false keel───n.假龙骨;保护龙骨
false keels───n.假龙骨;保护龙骨
canine teeth───尖牙,犬齿
false starts───不成功的开始;偷跑
baby teeth───[解剖]乳牙
back teeth───臼齿
eye teeth───眼牙,上尖牙
false cast───假石膏
false casts───假石膏
Mr Green was disconcerted to find that he had gone to the office without fixing his false teeth.───格林先生发现自己没有安上假牙便来办公室上班了,因此他很窘迫.
Granddad has false teeth.───爷爷戴了假牙.
My false teeth are stuck to it.───我的假牙还在上边呢!
The quality control of false teeth should include the control for designing and processing.───义齿质量控制应该包括设计、加工过程两个方面.
With that he reached into his pocket and pulled out of a pair of false teeth.───说着他把手伸进口袋里掏出一副假牙.
I can't understand why folks complain about false teeth.───我就不明白,人们为什么老是抱怨假牙的问题。
I've got five false teeth.'───还有五个假牙. ”
And moreover , with my false teeth in my left hand.───还有, 左手握着我的假牙.
In Vermont, women must obtain written permission from their husbands to wear false teeth.───在美国佛蒙特州, 女性必须得到丈夫的书面许可才能装假牙.
One other immediately noticeable detail is the amount of gold false teeth on display.───另外一件立刻可以留意到的细节,是装金假牙人的数量不少。
I do fillings, extractions, braces, polishing and make sets of false teeth.───我从事补牙 、 拔牙 、 牙齿矫正 、 抛光,还制作假牙套.
He put his false teeth securely in position.───他把假牙牢牢地装在应有的位置.
He's all aflutter . Lost a plate of false teeth – at the Bal N è gre, he thinks.───他的那副假牙丢了—他认为是在黑人舞厅丢的.
His false teeth sparkled the most genuine smile I'd seen in years.───他残缺不全的牙齿所流露出的笑容是我这几年见过的最纯真的笑。
Women must obtain written permission from their husbands to false teeth.───妇女必须获得她们老公的书面许可才可安装假牙.
But troops flooded the area and found his glasses, wallet and false teeth.───但是,政府军地毯式搜索这个地区,找到了他的眼镜、钱包和假牙。
He can't chew without his false teeth.───他没有假牙就嚼不动.
Purpose : Discussing the experiences of how to repair the false teeth in full mouth for old sufferers.───目的 讨论老年患者重新修复全口义齿的体会.
I have false teeth.
- false move
- false door
- false statement
- false swipe
- falsehoods synonym
- false driver
- falsettos musical
- false friend
- false starts
- false information
- falseness synonym
- false heart attack symptoms
- falsettos mug
- falseness definition
- false pretenses
- false heart attack signs
- falsehood lie
- falsest thing
- false teeth
- falsely claims victory