

词汇 自律使人快乐用英语怎么说
释义 自律使人快乐用英语怎么说

Self discipline makes people happy




If you struggle to resist temptation, surrounding yourself with people who possess a high degree of self-discipline can help.───如果你在努力抵抗诱惑,交一些高度自律的朋友会对你有所帮助。

Some people blame the smart phone for the tragedy, yet in fact people's weakening self-control and self-discipline are to blame.───一些人把悲剧归咎于智能手机,然而事实上,人们自制力和自律性的减弱是罪魁祸首。

It takes a lot of self-discipline to go jogging in winter.───在冬天跑步是需要很大的自律力的。

For this reason, you must teach yourself some self-discipline, so that you can stay with a project long enough to understand it.───这样的话,你必须学会自律,以便在某个领域停留的足够长到可以真正理解手上的事。

Once you can keep your level of self-discipline, you will be ready to move on to the next level by stretching yourself.───一旦你可以保持你自律的水平,你就可以通过自我扩展进行到下一个阶段。

But I said is some classmate, some self-discipline good classmate, with also just as well.───但我说的是某些同学,一些自我约束能力好的同学,带带也无妨。

It's frustrating, because without a certain amount of self-discipline, you know your goals are going to slip away.───没有一定的律己意识,你知道自己的目标注定要悄然逝去,多么令人沮丧啊!

increasingly rich in their countries on the occasion, to see whether Chinese consumers could self-discipline is a very interesting thing.───在他们的国家越来越富有之际,看看中国消费者是否还能严于律己是件很有意思的事。

I cheerful personality, modesty and self-discipline, thinking, active, very creative, easy to communicate better with a sense of team.───本人性格开朗、谦虚自律、思维活跃,极富创造力,易于沟通,具有较好团队的意识。

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