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词汇 anno Domini
释义 anno DominiUK:*/ˈænəʊ ˈdɒmɪˌnaɪ/US:(an′ō dom′ə nī′, -nē′, ä′nō) See also: AD主要翻译 anno Domini adv Latin (in year after birth of Christ) (拉丁语)公元后 复合形式: ad hoc adv Latin (for a specific purpose)为特定目的而设的The firm can provide its services ad hoc.这家公司可以为特定目的而提供特设服务。 ad hoc adj Latin (customized)定制的;特别定制的The company provides an ad hoc service to customers.这家公司为顾客提供定制的服务。 ad hoc committee n (group: specific issue)特别委员会;特设委员会An ad hoc committee was formed to advise on the financial problems they faced. ad hominem adj Latin (attack: personal)人身攻击的The judge objected to the lawyer's argument ad hominem, and ordered him to stick to the facts of the case. ad hominem n Latin (argument: personal)人身攻击 ad infinitum adv Latin (to infinity)直至永远地 ad infinitum adv Latin, figurative (endlessly)无止境地;无休止地Stephen is a history teacher; he can go on about the Second World War ad infinitum. ad interim adv Latin (in the meantime)暂时;临时 ad interim adj Latin (temporary)暂时的;临时的 ad-lib [sth] vtr Latin (improvise)即兴表演,即兴发表;即兴创作出,即兴作出I lost my notes, so I had to ad-lib my entire speech.我遗失了我的笔记,所以我不得不进行全篇即兴演讲。 ad-lib vi Latin (improvise)即兴表演,即兴发言;即兴创作The actor forgot his lines and was forced to ad-lib. ad lib, ad-lib, ad-libbed adj Latin, abbreviation (ad libitum: improvised)即兴的;即席的That wasn't bad for an ad lib presentation. ad lib adv Latin, abbreviation (ad libitum: improvised)临场发挥地,即席地;即兴地My entire speech was made ad lib. ad lib, ad-lib n informal, Latin ([sth] improvised)即兴表演;即兴发言That reply was so beautifully timed and phrased that it's hard to believe it was an ad lib. ad libitum adv (music: not required)即兴地;当场发挥地 ad libitum adv (at one's pleasure)随意地;任意地 ad nauseam adv (repeatedly or excessively)(单调重复太多)令人厌烦地She talks ad nauseam about her children; doesn't she have anything else to talk about? ad valorem adv (tax: according to value) (税收)从价, 按价 ad valorem adj (tax: according to value) (税收)从价的,按价的 ad valorem tax n (tax based on a % of property value)从价税收;从价税 classified, classified ad n informal (small newspaper advertisement) (报纸)分类广告;广告栏;广告版Here's a classified for two kittens, free. classifieds npl informal (newspaper or website section)分类广告Mila put an ad in the classifieds to sell her car. classified ad n informal, abbreviation (small advertisement in a newspaper)分类广告Mark placed a classified ad in the local newspaper. classified ads npl informal, abbreviation (newspaper or website section)分类广告 classified advertisement n (small advert in newspaper)分类广告;栏中广告My brother wanted to sell his car, so he placed a classified advertisement in the local newspaper. dies ad quem n Latin (law: conclusion) (法律)终止日;截止日 on an ad hoc basis expr (as needed)临时性;根据当前情况The factory hires extra staff on an ad hoc basis. want ad n US, informal, abbreviation (classified advertisement)招聘广告;分类广告Let's check the want ads and see if anyone's selling a bicycle cheap.




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