

词汇 eating into
释义 eating into
eating into发音



getting into───进入;陷入;穿上;习惯于

letting into───让…进入

reading into───曲解;加上另外的意思于;隐藏某种意义

tearing into───猛攻

eaten into───侵蚀

lacing into───猛烈进攻;遣责

laying into───v.痛打;痛斥

wading into───精神饱满地开始;猛烈攻击

;eaking into───破门而入(;eakinto的现在分词)


The company also cited consumer demand for tablets eating into PC sales.───并且,该公司又提及,个人计算机销量下降,亦与消费者对平板电脑的需求增加有关。

Inflation is eating into urban incomes and exporters' competitiveness.───通货膨胀吞掉了市民的收入,降低了出口商的竞争力。

Maybe there's something clearly eating into your work time. It could be.───也许存在一些很明显占用你工作时间的事情。

If that happened, the bank would be forced to put up billions in extra collateral, eating into its liquidity.───如果这发生,雷曼将被迫拿出数十亿美元作担保,这会消耗其流动资金。

With industrialisation eating into the countryside, he said the government would halt plans to restore arable land to nature.───他说,随着工业化扩张蚕食到农村的土地,中国政府将停止退耕还林计划。

Based on this data, Bing seems to be eating into Yahoo's market share, but isn't growing at Google's expense.───从这些数据来看,Bing似乎在蚕食雅虎的市场份额,而不是Google的市场份额。

Erode : To cause to diminish , deteriorate, or disappear as if by eating into or wearing away.───侵蚀掉,腐蚀掉:象磨蚀、侵蚀那样使…减少、减弱或消失。

It has since spread in concentric circles each year and is now eating into maize crops in Germany and Italy.───它每年以同心圆的规模蔓延,现在正在啃噬德国和意大利的玉米。

But dumping assets would risk setting off another downward spiral in prices, eating into the amount of capital in the system.───但是倾销资产可能会引起又一轮价格的急速下跌,并侵蚀该系统的资本额。


"At the very least, destocking has run its course, and consumers' hand-to-mouth buying is eating into broader domestic inventories," Nicholas Snowdown, an analyst at Barclays Capital, said.

A cool economy keeps inflation from eating into the value of fixed-income securities.

The high cost of living in London is eating into my savings.

Guilt had been eating into his conscience for some months.

John's university fees have been eating into our savings.

Finally, one indicator suggested interest rates may be headed still higher, eventually eating into corporate profits.

This they frequently do, eating into, and more often devouring, the commissions they receive from the issuer.

Body: I was really food processing plant, which is eating into the food conversion process.

Guilt had been eating into her conscience for some days.

  • eating along
  • eating habit
  • eating house
  • eating healthily
  • eating apples
  • eating into
  • eating socks




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