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词汇 drags on
释义 drags on
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drag on───拖延

drags in───插入讨论中;拉进

draws on───利用;吸收;戴上;临近

rags on───指责某人;批评某人

drags down───向下拖

drags out───拖延

drag in───插入讨论中;拉进




Irish crisis drags on.───爱尔兰危机的救世良方?

This dress is too long—it drags on the ground when I walk.───这连衣裙太长了—我走路时就拖在地上。

longer your implementation drags on, the higher their revenue.───你的实施周期拖得越长,他们的收入就越高。

He said there is a possibility that the strike 'if it drags on a few days' could affect production at Honda's four plants in China.───但他表示,如果罢工再进行几天,本田在华四家工厂的生产可能也会受到影响。

Sure, leverage can get you into a home or a new car, but too much debt is one of the biggest drags on your financial well-being.───当然,用点儿小技巧是可以帮你买个房子、或者一辆新车,过多的借贷却会打破你的财政平衡。

The last drags on as the claimant's widow and son squabble over how much to accept.───最后一件案子还在慢慢拖,因为原告的寡妇和儿子还在争吵可以接受的赔偿金额。

Heavy debt loads in Greece and other European countries had been one of the few drags on an otherwise rising stock market in recent months.───希腊及其他欧洲国家堆积如山的债务已成为数月来阻碍股市上涨的鲜有利空之一。

But if the mood sours as the crisis drags on, the party might have trouble sustaining that argument.───但如果情况持续混乱,感觉变酸涩了,共产党也许很难保持这论调了。

But the longer economic weakness drags on, the more slack builds up in the system, keeping a lid on prices.───但经济低迷时间拖得越久,经济体系就会越发疲软,就会遏制物价上涨。


Our election protest also drags on through the Labor Department and the courts.

The birth itself drags on for two nights. During thefirst night labour pains come on the cow elephant and the calf goes to itsfinal birth position.

He sat at the desk, his head hanging forward on his chest, taking quick drags on his cigarette.

If the dispute drags on, conditions in the city could deteriorate.

If the stalemate drags on, there could be serious consequences for the town's population.

More layoffs may be in store if the federal shutdown drags on.

This dress is too long-it drags on the ground when I walk.

So the campaign drags on to the next election.

Lacker expects growth not to be less than 2.75 percent, and said he thinks the drags on the economy are mostly short-term. He projected inflation at 2 percent.





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