

词汇 满足产品的需求用英语怎么说
释义 满足产品的需求用英语怎么说

Meet the needs of the product




There is high demand for city centre offices.───城市商业中心区写字楼的需求旺盛。

There is a great demand for such books.───这种书需要量很大.

The supply is equal to the demand.───供求均等.

Demand is outpacing production.───需求正在超过生产。

Cold drinks are in demand in the summer.───夏季需要清凉饮料.

This washing machine was guaranteed from mechanical failure — I demand a new one!───这台洗衣机出售时曾担保过不出机械性故障——我要换一台新的.

The directors anticipated a fall in demand.───董事们预感需求会降低.

The supply is inadequate to meet the demand.───供不应求.

Prices will fall as soon as production catches up to demand.───一旦生产赶上了需求,物价就会下跌.

A manufacturer can amplify the demand of a product by advertising widely.───厂商能用大做广告的方法来扩大人们对产品的需求.


He insists on his original demand.

Cold drinks are in demand in the summer.

The workers demand for better conditions of work.

The demand for fish this month exceeds the supply.

The authorities proved unyielding on one crucial opposition demand.

Food production is still increasing faster than demand.

This check is payable on demand.

Video games demand great manual dexterity.

Price is relative to demand.

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  • supply and demand
  • unconstrained forecast demand
  • demandante english
  • weakening global demand
  • supply and demand graph
  • inelastic demand
  • aggregate demand
  • aggregating demand curves
  • speculative demand
  • demandable meaning




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