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词汇 fond of
释义 fond of
fond of发音




fend off───v.避开;挡开

kind of───有点儿;有几分

coned off───v.用锥形信号标明

found out───找出

no end of───无数;大量

round off───完成;使完美;把…修圆磨光;圆满结束

sound off───奏序曲;提高声音说话;依次报数;吹号

find out───v.找出,查明;发现,揭发

hand off───不可触摩;切换,转换


Others may be fond of titles and honours, but I am not.───人皆好名, 我则不然.

I'm fond of cake myself.───我本人很喜欢蛋糕。

She had become so fond of him, almost against her better judgement.───虽然明知不对,她还是深深喜欢上了他。

I am very fond of Michael.───我很喜欢迈克尔。

Over the years, I have grown quite fond of her.───经过这么多年,我越来越喜欢她了。

I'm not overly fond of pasta.───我不怎么太喜爱意大利面食。

He seemed fond of her in a strictly professional way.───他似乎只是出于职业缘故而喜欢她。

She is fond of flaunting her superiority before her friends and schoolmates.───她好在朋友和同学面前逞强.

I have grown very fond of Alec.───我越来越喜欢亚力克。

The newspapers are too fond of knocking the team.───报纸专爱挖苦那个队.

She's much too fond of the sound of her own voice.───她总是说个不停.

I'm very fond of Maurice and I'd make him a good wife.───我非常喜欢莫里斯,我会成为他的贤内助的。

Anne was fond of Tim, though he often annoyed her.───安妮喜欢蒂姆,虽然他经常使她心烦。

He was fond of marmalade.───他爱吃橘子酱。

I have grown very fond of Alec.───我已变得很喜欢亚力克。

He was fond of marmalade.───他很喜欢橘子酱。

I was really rather fond of Arthur.───我还真的很喜欢阿瑟。


He is fond of rambling among the trees.

He is fond of using high - sounding phrases.

She's very fond of sweet things .

Many people are fond of French cheeses.

I've always been very fond of you.

I've always been very fond of your mother.

Too fond of the right to pursue the expedient. 

Boys are fond of playing football.

Joe's quite fond of her, isn't he?

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