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词汇 distance race
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distance races───远距离竞速项目;长跑

distance runner───长跑运动员

obstacle race───障碍赛跑

space race───n.太空竞赛

stage race───舞台比赛

stake race───木桩比赛

distance runners───长跑运动员


Adam: Long - distance race , dash, hurdle race, relay race standing long jump jump, shotput and so on.───亚当: 长跑, 短跑, 跨栏, 接力赛,立定跳远,跳高, 铅球,等等.

This essay investigates and analyses the present teaching condition of college female students in middle - distance race.───研究分析了高校女生中长跑教学的现状,通过改进教学手段和方法,调动了女生参加中长跑锻炼的积极性.

But, judging from the whole function required in a long-distance race. women are still inferior to...───但从长跑所需整体机能看,女子长跑能力仍低于男子。

They like track events, especially long - distance race and Marathon race.───他们喜欢径赛, 特别喜欢 长跑 和马拉松赛跑.

Sometimes it is a long distance race of cross - frontiers car race.───有时是小卧车的跨国境的长途比赛.

Long - distance race , a kids how to do a cold sweat?───长跑 后, 孩子们一身大汗着凉了 怎么办 ?

You still compete in long - distance race ?───你还角逐 长跑 吗 ?

A girl athlete, in a long distance race, stumbled over the foot of another athlete and fell down. She rose to her feet, clenched her teeth, and continued her running.───在长跑比赛中,一个女孩绊了另一个运动员的脚摔倒了,她站起身咬咬牙继续比赛。

On October 19, long - distance race great soldier Sun Yingjie ( left two ) warms up before the competition.───10月19日, 长跑 名将孙英杰 ( 左二 ) 在比赛前热身.

Long - distance race is won by the runner with the greatest endurance.───有非凡耐力的选手才能赢得 长跑 比赛的冠军.

If you've long distance race, then you'll understand the importance of mental focus.───如果有过长跑经验, 你就会理解精神集中的重要性.

Former days's long - distance race great soldier Sun Yingjie also attended this competition.───昔日的 长跑 名将孙英杰也参加了本次比赛.

I after vacation every night food must exercise, sometimes the long - distance race , sometimes skips rope.───我在假期每天晚上饭后要锻炼, 有时 长跑, 有时跳绳.

If you've type of long distance race, then you'll understand the importance of mental focus.───假如有过长跑经验, 你就会理解精神集中的重要性.

A set of plastic display numbers used to keep track of laps during a distance race.───在长距离比赛中用于弄清趟数的一种显示数字的塑料装置.

She was dead beat after long - distance race.───长途比赛之后,她精疲力尽了.

He won a silver medal in the long - distance race .───他在 长跑 比赛中获得了银牌.

Wang Junxia is the record-holder of the long distance race.───王军霞是长跑的记录保持者。


He won a silver medal in the long - distance race .

Adam: Long - distance race , dash, hurdle race, relay race standing long jump jump, shotput and so on.

Sometimes it is a long distance race of cross - frontiers car race.

Wang Junxia is the record-holder of the long distance race.

She was dead beat after long - distance race.

Tina's losing the long distance race was actually salutary because it made her practice harder.

Nearly the entire 2,000-mile long distance race, channels Sahara Desert and Atlas Mountains, and the players will be "across the desert, mountains and rivers, while addressing the problem."

  • distance race
  • distances between locations




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