Through their client database, they can clearly determine as to how many clients have placed orders for cotton shirts over the last year and how much revenue such orders have brought to the company.───通过他们的客户数据库,他们清楚的确定有多少客户上年订购了棉衬衫以及这些订单为公司带来了多少年收入。
For incoming children, the birth sign associated is easy to determine as it is related to the year that they are born.───对于即将诞生的孩童,相关的出生标志是很容易来确定的,因为这跟他们所诞生的年份有关。
In testing, the goal is to determine as quickly as possible whether the chip is working correctly, with high, but not absolute, certainty.───在测试中,目的是要尽快确定芯片是否以较高的稳定性正常工作,而不是绝对的稳定性。
In this paper, we combined nature determine with quantity determine as a comprehensive method.───论文采取定性和定量相结合的研究方法。
Determine as a family what expenses the parents will pay for.───确定整个支出中父母负责的部分。
he is almost as determine as you are.───翻译为他几乎决定你既是…
Themarket share of Linux or Windows is difficult to determine as the former is usually not required to register their copies;───市场占有率的Linux或Windows是难以确定,因为前者通常是不需要登记其副本;
The analysis of several experimental phenomena when to determine As with the absorption method of Ag-salt───银盐吸收法测定砷时几种实验现象的分析
That issue was referred by the sale and purchase agreement to a named firm of chartered accountants to determine as experts.
- determines synonym
- determines mb
- determine as
- determinedly meaning