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词汇 in theory
释义 in theory
in theory发音



Gaia theory───主题理论

band theory───能带理论

in the raw───处于自然状态;未开化的;裸体

in the red───负债,亏损;赤字

in the way───妨碍;挡道

set theory───[数]集合论

domino theory───n.多米诺理论(指引起连锁反应,政治术语)

string theory───弦论;弦理论

field theory───[数][物]场论


The idea that software is capable of any task is broadly true in theory.───认为软件能够处理任何任务的观念从理论上说基本是正确的。

It may be so in theory, but how will it work in practice?───理论上也许是如此, 但是在实际上怎样才能行得通 呢 ?

This course provides students a solid foundation in theory and practice of 3 D Animation.───本课程旨在堷训学员在三维动画制作上的理论及技巧.

In theory I'm on call day and night.───理论上,我不分昼夜随叫随到。

Your plan sounds fine in theory.───你的计划在理论上听起来不错.

It can be a dangerous course of action which might be sound in theory but — ahem — perhaps a trifle risky in practice.───这可能是一次危险的行动,在理论上听着无缝可击,但——呃哼——真做起来却可能有点冒险。

In theory, they have the power to pick the nominee.───理论上他们有权力选出民主党的总统候选人.

A HEN would in theory allow to run homebrews, and probably ISOS as well.───HEN状态理论上可以运行自制程序, iso也 很有可能.

In theory, the definition and system of TMN are explained.───在基本理论方面, 对TMN的定义和体系结构进行了说明.

Your plan sounds fine in theory, but will it work?───你的计划在理论上听起来不错, 但行得通 吗 ?

In theory these should be in place within two years, although such deadlines often pass unmet.───尽管制定这种规章制度通常会超出最后期限而未果,但从理论上讲,应该在两年之内一切就绪.

This paper explores the analogue concept and conditions of two base bleed projectiles in theory.───从理论上讨论了两底部排气弹相似的概念及条件.

That sounds fine in theory, but in practice are drawbacks.───这在理论上听起来不错, 但在实际操作中还是有所欠缺的.

In theory, the buyer could ask the seller to have a test carried out.───在理论上,买方可以要求卖方进行一次产品检测。

And in theory It'should never have been necessary to do so.───而且从理论上来说,本来应该完全没有担心的必要.

This scheme works beautifully in theory, but there are some practical difficulties to be overcome.───这个设计在理论上很完美, 但是有些实际难题有待解决.

In theory, outright sale of wealth management would have made more sense.───理论上讲, 将财富管理业务整个出售会更加合理.

In theory, the buyer could ask the seller to have a test carried out.───理论上,买方可以要求卖方进行一次测试。

Developing process of ratchet mechanism is expounded in theory of machines and mechanisms.───为了提高棘轮机构的传动性能,从机械原理和机械设计结构说明棘轮机构的演化发展过程.

As to the deformed slots, the slot reactance has been analyzed in theory and therefore formulized.───因异型槽冲片带来槽漏抗计算的特殊性,文中进行了理论分析,并给出计算公式.

Hence, it's significance in theory and practice to study risk analysis method for project investment.───因此, 对工程项目投资风险分析方法进行研究,具有重要的理论与实践意义.

In theory I'm on call day and night.───从理论上说,我现在昼夜待命。

In theory, the share market may get agitated by the corporation's bankruptcy.───据估计, 股市可能会因这家公司的破产而震荡.

In theory, three things could happen.───推测起来, 有三种可能性.

In theory, these machines should last for ten years or more.───从理论上讲,这些机器应能用十年以上。

A school dental service exists in theory, but in practice, there are few dentists to work in them.───照理说,学校也有牙医诊所,可实际上,里面的牙医寥寥无几。

The research in theory and practice brings new chance to the construction of criminal evidence system.───法律理论界和实践界适时而做的探讨和尝试为刑事证据规则体系的建立带来了新的契机.

Many of these youngsters know the job in theory but they're still wet behind the ears when it comes to putting it into practice.───这些年轻人中很多人理论上知道怎么干,但要付诸实践时,仍然是幼稚无知的.

It is so in theory.───理论上是如此.

In theory , there is collective responsibility. In fact, this means that no one is responsible.───名曰集体负责, 实际上等于无人负责.

Your proposal is all right in theory.───你的建议在理论上是正确的.


It seems good in theory, but it doesn't work in practice.

  • insectivora species
  • in different
  • intrusion game
  • in harmony
  • inductive method
  • instructional material
  • instead synonym
  • incommodious meaning
  • inimical man
  • inamiddle school
  • including thesaurus
  • inmost cardigan
  • in partical
  • in turkey
  • integral side
  • insinuation syn
  • in ways
  • in this halunderwear
  • in his mouth
  • inclosed letterpress
  • inaccuracy def




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