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词汇 defy gravity
释义 defy gravity
defy gravity发音



zero gravity───零重力;失重



specific gravity───[物]比重


body cavity───[动]体腔



London market looks likely to defy gravity for a while longer───似乎伦敦房市将无视“地球引力”,继续“天价”一段时日。

cannot defy gravity, but the technology industry is faring better than it did in the previous downturn.───技术产业尽管不能抵抗衰退,但它这次做的比上次好。

Water is another way for Miyazaki to defy gravity.───水是宫崎骏用来摆脱地心引力的又一方式。

It was a lonely quest for the two of them in their garage behind the shop, plotting to defy gravity and conquer the wind.───他们两人在自己的自行车店后面的车库里开始了孤独的旅程,计划着如何摆脱地心吸力,驭风而行。

Trees defy gravity. They are the only natural element in perpetual-movement toward the sky.───它藐视地心引力,它是唯一的永恒地朝向天空的自然元素。

His popularity continued to defy gravity, but authority was squandered, and public cynicism grew.───他的声望持续上升,但当局铺张浪费,民众挖苦不断。

Languorous chords seem to defy gravity as ambient synthesizer textures frame the music with golden glow.───懒洋洋的和弦似乎与合成音乐的重力相抗争着,同时音乐又像上了一个黄金相框。

It is too soon to know just how austerity will play out in Scotland, and Mr Salmond's ability to defy gravity should never be underrated.───想知道紧缩政策在苏格兰怎样展开还为时过早,也不应该小看萨尔蒙德扭转乾坤的能力。

Still, there have been times over the past few months when both stocks seemed to defy gravity.───尽管如此,过去几个月中,这两只股票都曾出现过违背重力作用的大幅飙升。


The instruments were employed in different toning and timing for staged applications of the construction. Specific sustained sound vibration enabled the building blocks to defy gravity.

Languorous chords seem to defy gravity as ambient synthesizer textures frame the music with golden glow.

The building leans so much that it seems to defy gravity.

Flares feature highly in the line up, as do dizzy platform shoes that defy gravity.

Clinging to the hillside amid scenic splendour, these houses sternly defy gravity by not tumbling down to the sea below.

  • defy gravity
  • defy death
  • defying gravity
  • defying state




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