death metal───死亡金属(一种音乐元素,具有暴力和恐怖的特点)
dead metals───废玻璃液
dead meat───致命肉食
road metal───铺路石;筑路碎石
death metals───死亡金属(一种音乐元素,具有暴力和恐怖的特点)
dead nettle───野芝麻
heavy metal───重金属摇滚乐;重金属
road metals───铺路石;筑路碎石
speed metal───敲击摇滚乐
Detached from its source, the machine was simply a piece of dead metal.───机器与能源分开后, 就是一堆废铁.
Denmark's crematorium association has revealed its profitable sideline in recycling metal parts salvaged from the dead.───丹麦殡仪协会向外公布了自己的副业,通过回收利用死者身体上的金属部件来盈利。
She says she approached the flaming wreckage and crumpled metal which she described as' unbearably hot 'and near the twisted hulk lay the dead alien.───她说,她走近燃烧的残骸,金属材料严重变形,掀起的热浪难以忍受,外星人的尸体就躺在变形的残骸附近。
The rubbish consists of derelict spacecrafts, dead satellites, pieces of metal ejected during collisions and dropped tools etc.───这些垃圾包括废弃的航天器和卫星、太空舱碰撞时产生的金属碎片、丢弃的工具等。
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