

词汇 dead lift
释义 dead lift
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drag lift───阻力升力

sea lift───n.(尤指紧急)海上运输,海上补给

dead point───[机]死点

drag lifts───曳引机

dead air───静气;闭塞空气;停滞的空气

dead airs───静气;闭塞空气;停滞的空气

dead beat───精疲力尽


In one game they'll look dead-certs to lift the trophy, in the next they'll be three goals down.───在一场比赛中看起来他们碰杯是板上钉钉的事了,而下一场比赛他们就可能三球完败。

A friend will help at a dead lift.───危急时刻只有朋友会帮忙.

They are at a dead lift and need help.───他们正处在紧要关头,需要帮助.

You might need a riser to help lift your laptop or monitor to a good, eyeballs-dead-center position.───可能你会需要一个架子来保证你的笔记本或者显示器处于一个良好的、在你视线正中的位置。

Prior to his attempt, the World Association of Benchers and Dead Lifters World Record dead lift for a 12-year-old was 236lb, set by an American youngster.───之前,世界举重和硬举协会12岁年龄组的硬举纪录是由一个美国男孩创下的236磅。

Harry can dead - lift 650 pounds.───哈里能举起650磅.


They are at a dead lift and need help.

A friend will help at a dead lift.

Dead lift Squat down with your feet just over shoulder width apart.

Find out how to properly do a dead lift with a resistance band with help from a personal trainer in this free video on resistance band exercises.

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