

词汇 挂好你的衣服用英语怎么说
释义 挂好你的衣服用英语怎么说

Hang up your clothes




The British driver was unable to hang on to his lead.───英国车手没能保住自己的领先地位。

Hang the portraIt'straight.───把画像挂端正.

We must hang out until help arrives.───我们必须坚持下去,直到得到援助.

We hang the walls with wallpaper once a year.───我们每年贴一次壁纸.

We must hang in whenever we come across difficulties.───我们遇到困难时一定要坚持不懈.

Their accounts of what happened don't hang together.───他们对事情发生的经过说法不一.

I was worried I wouldn't be able to hang my washing out.───我担心自己没法把洗好的衣服晾出去。

In order to hang the picture, he had to hammer a nail.───为了挂那幅画, 他必须钉枚钉子.

It's a legacy which will hang around the country'sneck for some time to come.───这项遗留问题在未来的一段时间内仍将困扰这个国家。

The ears hang heavy on the stalks.───穗子沉沉地垂下来.


Hang up one's hat in another's house.

Give a thief rope enough and he will hang himself.

Give a fool rope enough and he will hang himself.

Hang your coat up on the hook.

Hang your jacket up by the tap.

Please hang up the phone.

Hang your hat on the hook.

Hang your towel on a hook.

Hang off the rope, let's start our boat.

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