

词汇 cut the cost
释义 cut the cost
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count the cost───权衡得失

cut the cord───挣脱束缚;剪断脐带;消除依赖

out the closet───在壁橱外面

at the most───至多,不超过

cover the cost───支付费用

cut the comedy───别闹了

split the cost───[会计]分担成本

bear the cost───支付费用;承担费用

cut the mustard───符合要求(或条件);达到标准


We mustn't cut the cost of education.───我们不应该削减教育经费.

Buyers will bargain hard to cut the cost of the house they want.───买主会竭力讨价还价以压低他们想买的房子的价格。

Cut the cost of running a datacenter - Cloud computing improves infrastructure utilization rates and streamlines resource management.───削减正在运转的数据中心的成本 — 云计算改善了基础设施利用率和流线型的资源管理.

That is why the Bank of Mexico and America's Federal Reserve are running a programme to cut the cost further.───这就是为什么墨西哥银行和美国联邦储备委员会正在实施一项进一步削减成本的计划。

Their cheap labour has cut the cost of goods.───廉价的劳动力减少了商品的成本。


If it proves successful, the device will dramatically cut the cost of battery power.

Read in studio A new meals on wheels scheme is being tested which could cut the cost of providing hot school dinners.

This will cut the cost of solar cells by more than half, and increase their ability to convert light to electricity.

When they did so, they hoped that reprocessing could cut the cost of disposing of nuclear waste.

He said one aim would be to cut the cost of the pneumococcal vaccine from US$100 per dose to US$5 per dose.

Numerical simulation for casting process may optimize craft design, shorting trial cycle, cut the cost, decrease casting defect and assure the casting quality.

We mustn't cut the cost of education.

Buyers will bargain hard to cut the cost of the house they want.

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