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词汇 customs of
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customs form───报关单;海关单据

customs post───海关邮政


customs forms───自定义表单

customs house───n.海关

customs posts───海关关卡

customs union───n.[税收]关税联盟


The women wore veils in deference to the customs of the country.───这些妇女戴着面纱是遵从这个国家的习俗。

forests have departed, but some old customs of their shades remain.───的森林已经消失了,但是森林浓荫下曾经有过的一些古老风俗依然还在。

They assumed the customs of their new country.───他们采用他们新来到国家的习俗。

So, it pays to research the customs of any country you might be visiting before you use the "thumbs up" or any other type of hand signal.───因此,在你去一个国家之前,先调查一下它“竖起大拇指”的传统用法以及其它的一些手势是值得的。

The culture and customs of America are more like those of England than of any other country.───相比于其他国家的传统和文化,美国的文化和传统习惯最像英格兰的。

Though known as a devout Hindu, Gandhi rarely visited temples, and was generally repelled by the rituals and customs of organized religion.───虽然甘地是个虔诚的印度教徒,但是他极少去庙里朝拜,并通常会对有组织的宗教仪式和传统感到反感。

You came from such a far away place, you knew nothing about the customs of this land, and yet, you did so well. How did you do it?───你从那么遥远的地方来,对这里的风俗习惯根本不了解,然而你却持家有道,你到底是如何办到的呢?

Anti-Americanism is a form of bias against the institutions, nature or customs of the USA and, sometimes, against its people as well.───反美主义是一种对美国制度、本质或风俗习惯,甚至对其人民产生偏见的表现形式。

Let's take at a look at some of the customs of this festival and how people around the country spent this time of family reunion.───让来看看节日的习俗全国上下的人们如何度过合家团聚的时光。


She had an interest in the folk customs of ancient societies.

They assumed the customs of their new country.

The novel reflects the morals and customs of the time.

We must ascertain the usual customs of the local people and arrange accordingly.

The characteristic traits or customs of Occidental peoples.

He described the customs of the menfolk of his family.

Secondly the traditional dances and customs of a particular country that can give local colour and atmosphere to a plot or theme.

Customs of the Service say that an officer wears mufti only when he's outside the camp.

Movies have familiarized the customs of the old west.

  • customs invoice
  • customs duty
  • customs of
  • customs clearance fee
  • customs inspection
  • customs inspections
  • customs declaration
  • customs tariff




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