

词汇 小熊大声呼救用英语怎么说
释义 小熊大声呼救用英语怎么说

Little Bear cried out for help


呼救───Call for help;小熊───Bear cub


If I were in the lion's cage, I'd call for help.───如果我在狮子笼里, 我会大呼救命.

The next thing I did was to call for help.───接下来我做的事是呼救.

A truck driver used his CB radio to call for help.───卡车司机用民用波段无线电呼救。

Then we head for the village, find shelter and call for help.───我们向村子进发, 找到藏身之处并且寻求帮助.

Don't try to call for help until I've long gone, otherwise I'll have to hurt you.───在我走远之前不要企图呼救, 否则我就不得不伤你了.

You can send out a call for help over the radio.───你可以通过无线电发出求援信号.

They heard a call for help.───他们听到呼救声.

We heard a call for help.───我们听到呼救的声音.


Nobody answered my call for help.

They were prompt to respond to our call for help.

Please call for help.

The ship radioed a call for help.

I heard a call for help.

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