n.交流电( alternating current的名词复数 )
alternating current───[电]交流电
alternating series───交错序列;交错级数定理
alternating lights───交替灯
exciting currents───励磁电流
alternative curricula───另类课程
intermittent currents───间歇电流
alternative curriculums───另类课程
alternating light───交替光
alternating voltages───交流电压
The beating of heart induces alternating currents in the surrounding tissues.───心脏的搏动在其周围组织中感应出交流电流。
As you can see, we HAs alternating currents. Sometimes it works and at whiles it doesn't.───你们都清楚,咱们用的是沟通电,有时任务,有时不任务。
As you can see, we have alternating currents. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.───你们都知道,我们用的是交流电,有时工作,有时不工作。
Building on his Budapest vision , Tesla began experimenting with multiple alternating currents in a motor.───特士拉以他在布达佩斯的想法为基础, 开始在马达里尝试多重的交流电.
The milliampere clamp is very well suited for the measurement of small direct and alternating currents as of a value of 1 mA.
- alternating possession
- alternating case