

词汇 contact paper
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contact paper发音



contact papers───[感光]接触印相纸

contact tracer───接触示踪剂

contact patch───印迹

contact breaker───[电]接触断路器

contact patches───印迹

contact number───联系电话

contract labor───合同雇工

coated paper───铜版纸,涂料纸;盖料纸

command paper───敕令书


One suggests that a royal protection officer was paid by the paper to supply high-level royal contact numbers in what may have been a major breach of palace security.───其中一条信息表明,该报纸曾经向皇室安保官员行贿,获取皇室高级成员联系电话号码,这严重违反了王室安全规定。

You can make them attractive with contact paper or take the easy route and get a bedskirt.───你可以用一些纸把它们裹得好看点,或直接点用床帷遮住。

Yunbi law is Bifeng contact paper, how to run the method, it takes many forms, in general, can be divided into space and time form of sports movement forms.───笔法也就是笔锋接触纸面时怎样运行的方法,它有多种形式,大体上可分为空间运动形式与时间运动形式。

Allegations that food - contact paper made with DuPont materials contain unsafe levels of PFOA ( C 8 ) are false.───有关对采用杜邦公司的材料生产的与食品接触的纸张中全氟辛酸及其盐类 ( FOA或称C8 ) 量达到不安全水平的指责是错误的.

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