considerable damage───相当大的损害
considerable number───相当可观的数目;数额巨大
considerable power───相当大的力量
considerable skill───相当多的技巧;相当大的技巧
considerable cost───可观的成本
considerable pain───相当痛苦
considerable latitude───相当大的纬度
considerable promise───相当大的希望
considerable degree───相当程度
Comparing these manually requires considerable time and effort.───手工比较这些需要相当多的时间和努力。
Finding a cure requires considerable time and effort.───找到一种治愈方法需要相当的时间和努力。
This manual work takes considerable time, with ample chance for miscommunication.───此手动工作要花费大量时间,而且造成误解的机会相当大。
It takes considerable time for an official to gain a large sum of money by corrupt means and then organize to smuggle it out of the country.───一个官员要通过贪污手段赚取巨大金额的资金并组织偷运至国外需要花费大量时间。
Ali Baba followed them with his eyes as far as he could see them; and afterward stayed a considerable time before he descended.───阿里巴巴一直用眼睛看着他们直到看不见了;在他下来之前他留在上面相当长时间。
The nation will take a "considerable" time to overtake the U. S. in terms of final consumption, combining goods and services, Huang said.───他还表示,以将商品和服务考虑进去之后的最终消费量而言,中国依然需要相当长的时间才会超越美国。
The two men also spent considerable time trying to forecast steel mills' buying behavior.───他们两人还花了相当多的时间,试图预测钢铁厂的采购行为。
The Rat remembered that poor Toad had been on prison fare for a considerable time, and that large allowances had therefore to be made.───河鼠记得,可怜的蟾蜍有好长时间吃监狱的饭食,所以需要多为他准备些饭菜。
Speech settings can be a large portion of your data and may take considerable time to save on a slow connection.───语音设置在数据中占了很大一部分,如果采用慢速连接,保存语音设置将需要花费相当长的时间。
Both policies, monetarists argue, involve considerable time lags, which can make them destabilizing.
The class spent considerable time examining these photographs, attempting to anticipate the kind of personalities they were to be working with.
It will cost considerable time to lacquer the old furniture.
The task took some considerable time as each bone was labelled according to a blueprint held by the archaeologist.
I failed to realise for some considerable time the importance of commitment from the top down.
Both Bill and Camille Cosby had devoted considerable time to education, family and cultural projects.
Finding a cure requires considerable time and effort.
Michael has already spent considerable time in Barcelona.
Cleaning up polluted rivers will take considerable time and effort.