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词汇 all the same
释义 all the same
all the same发音

尽管如此, 仍然


all the rage───时尚;风行一时的事物

all the time───始终,一直

all the more───adv.更加

all the way───一路上;自始至终

fill the frame───填充框架

fill the space───填补空白

all the while───一直;始终

call the tune───v.掌权,有决定权;定调子,发号施令;操纵

just the same───还是;完全一样;照旧(等于allthesame)


The houses were all the same— square, close to the street, needing paint.───房子都一模一样——方方正正、临近街道、需要粉刷。

Waves are all the same length and move in step.───所有波的波长均相同,而且同步.

The air became cooler but Feliks perspired all the same.───空气凉爽了,但费利克斯仍然浑身出汗.

He's a bit naughty, but I like him all the same.───他有点顽皮, 可是我还是喜欢他.

All the same, there is some truth in what he says.───尽管如此, 他的话也还是有些道理.

There are several brands and they're not all the same.───有好几个品牌,不一样的。

If it's all the same to you, I'd rather work at home.───如果对你来说没什么差别,我宁愿在家中工作。

What'sthe difference between a white lie and a lie? I mean, it's all the same to me.───善意的谎言和谎言之间有什么不同?我是说,对于我而言二者完全一样。

I arranged to pay him the dollars when he got there, a purely private arrangement. All the same, it was illegal.───我准备等他到那儿时付给他美元,纯属私人安排。不过同样也是非法的。

All the same, he'd come to get his tooth fixed.───尽管如此, 他是为了治牙才来的.

Matt is weak and dependent, but you love him all the same.───马特软弱无能且依赖性强,但我们照样爱他。

If it's all the same to you, I'd rather work at home.───如果对你来说都一样,我宁愿在家工作。

Whether I've got a moustache or not it's all the same to me.───我留不留胡子都无所谓。

You can do it now or later -- it's all the same to me.───你现在办也 行,以后办也行,对我无所谓.

We are all the same age.───我们都同岁.

Wu Sun - fu puckered up his brows, but nodded all the same.───吴荪甫的眉头皱紧了, 但也点一下头.

Thank you all the same.───尽管如此,还是要谢谢你.

I've got a moustache or not it's all the same to me.───我留不留胡子对自己来说都一样。


My parents treated us all the same when we were kids.

  • all possessive pronouns adjectives
  • allness define
  • allegorical element
  • all look great
  • all turn on
  • all is not lost
  • all my friend
  • allotted to
  • allonge toi
  • all me
  • allaying worries
  • all star
  • alluding to
  • all for one
  • alleging infringement
  • all share play
  • all at all
  • all in game
  • all is on time
  • all live
  • all out




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