computer viruses───计算机病毒
computer disks───计算机磁盘
computer nerds───电脑迷
computer visions───计算机视觉;机械视觉
computer crimes───计算机犯罪
computer errors───[计]计算机误差
computer vision───计算机视觉;机械视觉
computer ages───计算机时代
computer chips───电脑芯片
This computer virus is spreading and all online users are at risk.───这些计算机病毒在传播,所有在线用户都有危险.
To fight computer virus, people develop antivirus software and hardware antivirus gateway.───为了应对计算机病毒的威胁, 人们设计了防病毒软件和硬件防病毒网关.
The characteristics of computer virus propagation attached on e - mail are studied.───摘要分析了通过电子邮件途径传播的计算机病毒的特点,探讨了邮件病毒传播模型.
All it takes is a computer virus to destroy the company's system.───只需一种电脑病毒就能让这公司的系统全部瘫痪.
The characteristics of computer virus propagation attached one - mail are studied.───分析了通过电子邮件途径传播的计算机病毒的特点,探讨了邮件病毒传播模型.
Be careful. This computer virus is spreading rapidly.───这种电脑病毒传播很厉害,你一定要小心.
A new computer virus was reportedly found in the new operating system.───[据报导,在新的作业系统中发现了一只新的电脑病毒. ]
You're the one that loaded the computer virus into the presidential music.───就是你把电脑病毒装入总统的音乐中去的.
Could you do me a favor? My computer suffered from computer virus.───能帮帮我 吗 ?我电脑中病毒了.
Software designed to and stop the progress of a computer virus.───反病毒已成长为一项大工业,它们出售可以使你的计算机系统免遭感染的软件.
Hackers are said to have started a computer virus.───黑客们已开始传播一种计算机病毒。
A computer virus attacked my hard drive.───电脑病毒袭击了我的硬盘.
This hacker designed a computer virus that was hard to manage.───这个电脑黑客设计了一种难以对付的病毒.
Beware of the computer virus.───当心计算机病毒.
A computer virus titled "ILOVEYOU" has caused havoc in the United States after crippling government and business computers in Asia and Europe.───一种主题为“我爱你”的电脑病毒在美国引起了大混乱,亚洲与欧洲的政府和商业电脑已经先期遭到严重破坏。
Computer virus, that is.───是电脑病毒。
Hackers are said to have started a computer virus.───据说黑客们已经开始传播一种新的电脑病毒。
A computer virus has two parts: the infector and detonator.───计算机病毒有两部分: 传染部分和破坏部分.
- computer modeling
- computer power
- computer store
- computer program
- computer paper
- computer game
- computerist definition
- computer programs
- computer words
- computer genius
- computer instruction
- computer simulation
- computer to
- computer crimes
- computer power supply
- computer technology