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词汇 cold winter
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mild winter───温和的冬天

cold butter───冷黄油

cold wind───[气象]寒风


hard winter───严冬

hold water───站得住脚;合情合理;说得通;能盛水

long winter───漫长的冬天

to winter───到冬天

coming winter───即将到来的冬天


The hardy plant lived through the cold winter.───耐寒的植物经受住了严冬的考验.

Buy a cardigan for your mother in the cold winter.───在寒冷的冬日里,为母亲买一件羊毛衫。

A warm glass of brandy is a great pick - me - up on a cold winter night.───在寒冷的冬夜喝一杯温过的白兰地很 提神.

Spring brings mild weather after the cold winter.───寒冬过后,春天带来了温暖的气候.

The old peasant conjectured that it would be an unusually cold winter.───那老汉推测冬天将会异常地寒冷.

A Mediterranean cruise was the perfect antidote to a long cold winter.───到地中海航游是度过漫长寒冬的绝妙办法。

It's going to be a cold winter, or so the newspaper says.───今天冬天将会很冷, 至少报纸上是这么说的.

And warm it will be these cold winter nights to come.───冬天就要到了,寒冷的夜晚,这条毛毯一定很暖和.

The Winter Solstice: It means the cold winter is coming.───冬至: 表示寒冷的冬天快要到来.

Broadway wasn't that crowded on this cold winter night, even though it was near theater time.───百老汇在这个寒冷的冬夜, 即使在戏院的夜场开演时刻,也并不那么拥挤.

It is said in the newspapers that we're going to have a cold winter.───据报上说,今年冬天将很冷.

We have to wear woolen clothes in the cold winter.───寒冷的冬天,我们不得不穿毛织品.

A bitterly cold winter damaged industrial output and trade.───严寒的冬天损害了工业生产和贸易.

The Pilgrims had little food and many died during the cold winter.───这些清教徒食物短缺,许多人在严冬中死去.

I am not afraid of cold winter.───我不怕寒冷的冬天。

It was a clear, cold, winter day with snow on the ground.───这是遍地是雪,晴朗的, 寒冷的冬天.

Here a mild climate, with cold winter and summer without the heat.───这里气候温和, 冬无严寒,夏无酷暑.

The cold winter night had fallen, snuffing out the brief twilight.───寒冷的冬夜已经降临, 把黄昏时短暂的暮色也给吞没了.


Their departure was hastened by an abnormally cold winter.

Most now face a bitterly cold winter in Badakshan, living under plastic sheeting, praying for food handouts from aid agencies.

We might be in for a long, cold winter.

I hated those cold winter mornings.

This the family chose to do one cold winter day.

A bitterly cold winter damaged industrial output and trade.

The long cold winter had only increased his hatred of the place.

The unusually cold winter has caused many plants to bud late this year.

In cold winter, birds puff out their feathers to keep warm.

  • cold call
  • cold-blooded means
  • cold here
  • cold packs
  • cold spell
  • cold caller
  • coldest winter
  • cold sweat
  • coldness of the letter
  • cold rose
  • cold beach
  • cold beef
  • cold short film
  • cold and dry
  • cold sea
  • cold-blooded define
  • coldish definition
  • cold callers
  • cold look
  • cold snap
  • cold as hell




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