cloze tests───完形填空;填充测验,填字测验
Kline test───克莱恩氏试验
blood test───[临床]验血;化验血;血液试验
dope test───兴奋剂检查;药检
flame test───[热]焰色试验
blooded test───[临床]验血;化验血;血液试验
Draize test───眼刺激试验
blood tests───验血(bloodtest的复数)
bloods test───[临床]验血;化验血;血液试验
Cloze is one of testing methods, which is used to test students′ abilities to handle reading comprehension and cloze.───形填空是英语测试中常见的测试形式之一,它主要用于测试考生对语篇不同层次的阅读理解和完形思维能力。
In general, cloze test can be classified into multiple - choice cloze ( MC cloze ) and open cloze ( OC ).───一般来说, 完形测试可以分为多项选择式完形填空和开放式完形 填空.
Apart from taking out the cloze test, changes have been made in the following three aspects, namely, listening comprehension, reading comprehension, and translation.───除了完形填空正式“退出历史舞台”外,以下三个方面“大变脸”,即听力理解,阅读理解和翻译。
It'shows that , generally speaking, cloze test is a valid testing format.───结果表明, 完形测试总的来说是一种有效的测试形式.
Review the Methods : We used to do cloze test and reading comprehension.───提高阅读完形的能力,为阅读完形等能力题目做好准备.
The results from this questionnaire would compare with the cloze test.───此问卷的结果会与克漏字测验结果比较.
In general, cloze test can be classified into multiple - choice cloze format and open cloze format.───一般来说, 完形测试可以分为多项选择式完型填空和开放式完型填空.