clock watcher───n.盼望下班的人
clock watchers───n.盼望下班的人
cross matching───[免疫]交叉配血
stock watering───股票掺水
They took clock shifts watching his every sleep-deprived mood to determine what ailed the young boy.───他们不得不日夜值班来监护他,发现他每一点因为剥夺睡眠而产生的情绪,来判断孩子到底有没有问题。
Is time almost up for clock watching lawyers?───是时候终结律师时薪制了吗?
Where everyone else is sitting bored and clock watching, you can be an active part of the meeting. It might just get you a raise.───当其他人都无聊地坐在那里不停看时间时,你会成为会议的一个积极参与者,这可能给你带来升职哦。
Q- Is it true that Andy was once clock-watching while he played a tournament so that he could get to his senior prom?───是不是有一次安迪在比赛的时候一直看表看时间,就是为了参加他的舞会?
Night came home at six o 'clock, watching TV, reading, doing homework.───晚上六点钟回到家,看电视、读书、做作业。
clock watching companies who like their staff to be in for fixed hours need not apply ( remember , it ' s a seller ' s market )───可对于希望自己的职员必须受固定时间约束,严格按钟点行事的公司却没有多大应用价值(记住,这是卖方市场)。
- clock like
- clock adjust
- clock like tree
- clock pE
- clockwork victoria
- clock time
- clocked in
- clockwork orange
- clock tower
- clock like symbols on plastic