

词汇 click to
释义 click to
click to发音



click stop───锁定光圈



stick to───v.坚持;粘住

click stops───锁定光圈


click baits───标题诱饵;点击诱饵


Click to see this animation.───单击以查看该动画。

Sometimes the registration tracking to AA can be overwritten if you click to another affiliate, though I've always received both the rebate and the miles.───有时如果你点击到另一个分支机构的话,AA 上的注册信息会重复。不过,通常我都会既收到回馈,又得到里程奖励。

Click to enlarge this image.───点击放大图片。

Control looks like a combination of a text box and a pair of arrows that the user can click to adjust a value.───控件看起来像是一个文本框与一对用户可单击以调整值的箭头的组合。

Single click a phoneme to hear what is sounds like. Double click to add it to the word's pronunciation.───单击音素来听是什么声音。双击音素将其添加到词的发音。

Welcome to click to see that this is the one I specifically do about my primary school classmates, Liugejinian!───欢迎大家点击看看,这是我特地做的一张关于我的小学同学的资料,留个纪念!

Sometimes you do not know where you are going to end up from one click to the next.───有时你甚至不知道,点击一下之后你会停到哪里。

Point your mouse to where you want the next bubble to go (the arrow at the bottom will indicate that direction), and click to fire the shot.───将鼠标指向的地方,你想在未来的泡沫去(箭头在底部将表明,方向),并单击消防铅球。

It shows you when there are updates, but still requires a click to actually view them (and is often buggy when displaying them).───一旦有更新,仍需要单击以实际查看(并且是简要的展示)。


Drag onto the page, then right - click to specify bidirectional or unidirectional.

Synchro, general. Right - click to configure.

Click to reformat the grid using current settings.

So you click to the next channel.

Click to apply the timescale settings to the view.

Click to choose a color that is not listed.

Click to add a custom menu or submenu.

That leaves the other click to be accounted for.

The %1 configuration group. Click to open it.

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