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词汇 你看见什么用英语怎么说
释义 你看见什么用英语怎么说

What do you see




She had reconciled herself to never seeing him again.───她说服了自己永远不再和他见面。

Seeing how cleverly he had been outwitted he made no complaint.───看到自己在计谋上完全不是对手,他甘拜下风。

Seeing his chance, Dennis moved in for the kill.───看到机会来了,丹尼斯开始采取行动。

How can I get past her without her seeing me?───我怎样才能从她身边经过而又不被她发现呢?

"How are you?" —"All the better for seeing you."───“你好吗?”—“好,看见你更好了。”

We are certainly seeing a lot of hype by some companies.───我们无疑已经看到来自一些公司的大肆宣传。

Journalists report seeing a fire on the pad after the launch.───记者们报道说在发射后看到发射台着火了。

How about going shopping and seeing a show in London?───去伦敦购物再看场演出怎么样?

I can't face seeing them.───我真不愿意见到他们。

Well, we shall look forward to seeing him tomorrow.───嗯,我们期待着明天与他会面。


The three foundations of learning: seeing much, suffering much, and studying much.

Several people described seeing strange lights in the sky.

He was hollering something about seeing a snake.

She is against seeing him.

Seeing him, she seemed to brighten a little.

Seeing is believing.

Seeing much, suffering much, and studying much are the three pillars of learning.

Are you seeing anyone now?

I'm looking forward to seeing you.

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  • fricasseeing meaning
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  • seeing is believing
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  • seeing someone
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  • believing is seeing
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  • seeing off




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