

词汇 cited of
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cited of发音



carted off───挟持;带走

lifted off───(火箭等)发射;(直升飞机)起飞

coned off───v.用锥形信号标明

cried off───取消前约;打退堂鼓

fired off───升火,发射;熄火

hived off───脱离编制;分出

lived off───以…为食料;靠…生活;住在…之外


times cited of papers of affiliated hospitals accounted for 78.26% of the total times cited. Papers published by 219 journals were cited. 15 journals were cited over 35 times.───附属医院论文被引数量高于基础医学院,占全部被引次数的78.26%,在219种期刊发表的论文被引用,其中被引用35次以上的有15种期刊。

The most widely cited of these studies, published in the medical journal Chest in 2000, is by Dr. of the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha.───发表在医学杂志 Chest 上的报告可能是最广为人知的研究成果了。 内布拉斯加大学医学中心的Stephen Rennard 博士主持了这项研究,以弄清为什么鸡汤有助于治疗感冒。

literally thousands of examples that could be cited of the rapid expansions that take place in one's life when the "I can't" s are released.───简直有无数的例子可以说明当“我不行”被释放掉之后,一个人的人生会多迅速地扩展。

Second, we elaborate the feature of dictionaries cited of Jingdianshiwen , and inspect concept of language of Lu Deming.───继而阐述《经典释文》引字书的特点,并借此来考察陆德明的语言文字观。

Examples are cited of several treated and synthetic gem materials that currently present identification challenges.───介绍了几种优化处理及合成宝石材料的鉴定实例,这些材料对当今的宝石鉴定提出了挑战。

Chevron is the most widely cited of along line of cases requiring courts to defer to agencies' legal interpretations.───在一长串的要求法院尊重行政机构对法规的解释的案例中,“切弗伦”案受到最广泛的援引。

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