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词汇 churning out
释义 churning out
churning out发音



burning out───烧尽(burnout的ing形式)

chucking out───赶走;扔掉

turning out───接警出动;结果是;原来是

blurting out───开始说话,脱口而出

carrying out───实施;贯彻;执行;[法]履行(carryout的现在分词)

carting out───运送出去

carving out───创业;开拓;雕刻

chalking out───v.用粉笔画出;制图;计划

cheaping out───降低成本


Television producers seem irresponsibly insouciant about churning out violence.───电视制片人似乎对大量制作暴力节目抱着不负责任的无所谓的态度。

Factories will keep churning out goods.───工厂将会继续出产大量商品。

He has been churning out detective stories for more than ten years.───十多年来,他一直在大量粗制滥造侦探小说。

And yet we continue to try, churning out forecasts on everything from the price of oil to the next civil war.───然而我们仍在尝试,从石油价格到下次内战,大量任意的预测到处充斥着。

The system that is so good at churning out Olympic medalists seems to be even better at producing poverty-stricken retired athletes.───在这个造奥林匹克冠军是如此在行的(体育)体系下,它似乎甚至更擅长的是制造贫困潦倒的退役运动员。

But scientists have now found a quasar that's apparently churning out new stars in the absence of a host galaxy.───但是现在科学家们发现,一颗没有挂靠主星系的类星体显然在大量地制造出新恒星。

Bootleg copies of the "Dark Knight" and Shenzen sweatshops churning out fake Louis Vuitton bags are only part of the problem.───“黑骑士”的违法盗版和深圳血汗工厂生产路易威登包仅是问题的一部分。

Proton has built factories capable of churning out 1m cars a year and has launched a range of models.───宝腾已经建成了每年总产100万辆汽车的多个工厂,并推出了多种汽车款式。

Even he is relaxing, he never stops thinking. His brain is working all the time, churning out ideas.───即使是他休息了,他也在思考。他一直在思考,想出很多主意。


He has been churning out detective stories for more than ten years.

Programme-makers seem irresponsibly insouciant about churning out violence.

They are funds known for churning out huge gains one year, only to slide off the cliff the next.

The system that is so good at churning out Olympic medalists seems to be even better at producing poverty-stricken retired athletes.

Others try to keep up by churning out more games more quickly.

He was now churning out drawings at a tremendous rate.

The Macintosh factory kept churning out gorgeous boxes that gathered dust in dealerships.

She's been churning out novels for twenty years.

His factory was churning out 800,000 machines a year.





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