champagne bucket───香槟酒桶;香槟桶
champagne buckets───香槟酒桶;香槟桶
champagne lifestyle───香槟生活方式
champagne socialist───香槟酒社会主义者
change perceptions───改变观念
challenge perceptions───挑战认知
champagne lifestyles───香槟生活方式
The champagne gave out long before the end of the reception.───在招待会结束前很久,香槟酒就都喝完了。
The conference dinner fee includes a champagne reception, wine with the meal, port and liqueurs, and after dinner entertainment.───会议晚宴餐费包括香槟酒会、配餐酒、波尔多红酒和利口酒,以及晚宴后的娱乐活动。
They were then back up to the surface for a champagne reception at a local hotel.───之后,他们返回地面,在当地一家酒店举行了香槟宴。
Organise quirky games for your guests to play during the champagne reception - a wedding quiz is guaranteed to get people talking!───在香槟宴会期间,为你得客人们策划一些有趣离奇的游戏—婚礼小测试保证会让人们交谈起来!
Tickets to include champagne reception and buffet supper £57.50 from At Logiealmond Lodge, Perthshire.
There was a champagne reception before the concert.
Just look at this winning line-up! Champagne reception in the Mirror's private box.
The pair were spotted together at a champagne reception at the Imperial Hotel.
Stableford competition and a champagne reception and prize-giving.
A champagne reception was held at the Swallow Hotel.
And they looked happy and at ease as they moved inside to the enormous champagne reception Mel had arranged.
Gaynor Wynne was filming her with a camcorder during a champagne reception at the Imperial Hotel.
- champagne glasses
- champagne yeast
- champagne cocktail