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词汇 aid of
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laid off───下岗;解雇

fail of───未能

kind of───有点儿;有几分

laid on───涂抹(颜料等);猛攻;加…于人

mid off───中间偏下


all of───adv.不少于;实足;……的全部

as of───自……起;到…时候为止

in aid of───用以援助…之用


He succeeded with the aid of a completely new method he discovered.───借助于一个他所发现的全新方法,他取得了成功。

He keeps coming to the aid of this damsel in distress.───他经常去帮助这位处于痛苦中的少女。

This job would be impossible without the aid of a computer.───这项工作不用计算机是不行的。

Currencies and government bonds, among the main asset classes, have always been traded without the aid of an exchange.───在主要资产类别中,外汇和政府债券一直是在没有交易所帮助的情况下完成交易。

The next step is to enlist the aid of any Chinese friends or associates that you may have.───下一步就是找一些中国朋友,联系联系你认识的中国人。

I suspect you're wondering what all this is in aid of , " he said. I said yes. "───“我猜想你正纳闷这是怎么回事,”他说道。我说是的。

This calls for a web service that can run on a local personal computer without the aid of a PHP translator (or any other, for that matter).───它调用一个可以运行在本地个人电脑而不需要使用PHP翻译器(或其它相关技术)的WebServices。

her nose looked too long , she thought , and she attempted to see herself in profile with the aid of her pocket mirror.───她认为她的鼻子太长了,因此她打算用另一面小镜子在照着自己的侧影。

Thomas Jefferson produced the Declaration with the aid of a ghostwriter, a woman of color named Betty Mae, who was a non-voluntary worker.───托马斯·杰斐逊的宣言是在一名代笔的帮助下写的,那是一名叫做贝蒂美的有色人种女性,她不是自愿的。


We're collecting money in aid of cancer research.

I can walk without the aid of crutches.

There are numerous functions in aid of charity.

We went to the aid of the stricken boat.

What's all this crying in aid of?

He went to the aid of the hurt man.

We enlisted the aid of John and his family.

Now then, what's all this crying in aid of?

What's this meeting tomorrow in aid of, then?

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