

词汇 cautioning that
释义 cautioning that
cautioning that发音




failing that───不然的话;失败的话

considering that───考虑到…,就…而论

auctioning off───v.拍卖掉;竞卖

burning ghat───火葬场


cautionary tale───警世故事


scientists are cautioning that a repeat for Japan - on a smaller scale - is not a matter of if, but when.───科学家警告说,日本还会再次发生地震,这不过是早晚的问题,只不过规模会相对小一些。

Election officials here are cautioning that previously announced dates to post official returns in mid-September may be pushed back.───选举官员警告说,先前公布的在9月中宣布官方选举结果的日期可能将进一步推迟。

Sony is cautioning that the next few monthswill be tough for PS3 shoppers as the company tries to get moreconsoles on store shelves.───索尼称,以后几个月可能会对于ps3销售店家来说很困难,但公司在努力生产,使货架上有货。

Mr Mack is less gung-ho about GM than his rival, cautioning that it cannot be the sole solution for the world's food problems.───马克并不像他的竞争对手那样对基因改良作物如此热心。他警示道,这并不是解决全球粮食问题的唯一办法。

Election officials here are cautioning that previously announced dates to post official returns in mid-September may be pushed back.───阿富汗选举官员警告说,先前公布的在9月中宣布官方选举结果的日期可能将进一步推迟。

But scientists are cautioning that a repeat for Japan - on a smaller scale - is not a matter of if, but when.───科学家警告说,日本还会再次发生地震,这不过是早晚的问题,只不过规模会相对小一些。

And she devotes one paragraph to cautioning that such games trade on stereotypes of minorities and women.───此外,她专引一段来证明此类游戏专门针对少数民族和女性的偏见做文章。


The companies polled for both indexes said that input costs rose in January, with HSBC cautioning that input price inflation was the strongest since July 2008.

Election officials here are cautioning that previously announced dates to post official returns in mid-September may be pushed back.

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