n.图书编目号码; 书号
call numbers───呼叫号码;图书编目号码
small number───n.[数]小数;少数交易
car number───车牌号
class number───[数]类数;[计]分类号;[数]组数
Mach number───马赫数(飞行速度除以音速)
back number───n.过期期刊;过时的人(或物)(等于backissue)
call names───骂人;出口伤人;点名
code number───代码,编号;代号;地区代码
dual number───[数]对偶数
Call number positioning fast memory method.───叫数字定位快速记忆法.
When you check out, please call number 32 and we'll help you with your luggage immediately.───如果您要离店, 请打电话32,我们会马上帮您运送行李的.
You can find the call number of this company from the Yellow Book.───你可以从分类电话号码簿的黄页部分查到这个公司的号码.
Find the particular item you are looking for. Jot down the call number.───找到您要借的那本书或杂志的目录卡, 记下它的索书号码.
The last line of input file contains call number - 1 .───输入文件的最后一行以 -1 作为结束标志.
All right. I'll make a call . Number in Bombay is 257489.───好的, 我要打通电话到孟买,电话号码是257489.
The books are shelved by call number.───这些书是根据书码装架的.
Wait! Did he just call number five?───等等, 他是不是叫五号?
This paper introduces an automatic recognition scheme for the call number image.───提出了图书索书号自动识别系统的概念.
What is the call number of that book?───这本书的编号是多少?
Call number to identify the management of the library collection is of great significance.───索书号识别对图书馆藏书管理具有重要旳意义.
Every book got a glade sticker above the call number.───在每一本书杜威号的上面贴上新的标签。
We changed the locations by call number.───我们根据索书号改变了书的馆藏位置。
Jot down the call number.───记下它的索引号码.
US Localization : It can show the location of the call number.───我们可以展示定位位置的电话号码.
he just call number five?───他是不是叫五号?
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