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词汇 by the hand
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by the head───首倾,船首纵倾;船首比船尾吃水深

by the way───顺便说说,顺便问一下;在途中

by the vanload───用货车

buy the farm───阵亡;买下农场(死了);突如其来的不正常死亡

by the balls───靠球

at the hand of───在……的手上;由于......的作用;出自某人之手

bridle hand───左手


They looked at each other and held one another by the hand.───他们互相看了一眼,手挽着手。

You led your people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron.───你曾借摩西和亚伦的手,引导好像羊群一般的百姓。

Instantly Tom answered it, and leading Becky by the hand, started groping down the corridor in its direction.───汤姆立刻回应,拉着贝基的手,在通道里朝声音传来的方向摸索着。

And Judah sent the kid by the hand of his friend the Adullamite, to receive the pledge from the woman's hand; but he did not find her.───犹大讬他朋友亚杜兰人送一只山羊羔去,要从那女人手里取回抵押,却找不着她,

But Jesus took him by the hand and lifted him to his feet, and he stood up.───但耶稣拉着他的手,扶他起来,他就站起来了。

Only a short while ago, You always lead by the hand with me, If you haven't to do I maybe stop to wait for you to return.───曾几何时,你总是牵著我的手,如果没牵我的手,我会停下来不走,等你回头来找我。

He took her by the hand and led her to church.───于是他拉着姑娘的手,引她去教堂。

I can't wait to butterfly exhibition underground car parking. Mom after he took me by the hand into the hall.───到了蝴蝶展览馆我迫不及待地下了车。妈妈停好车后便拉着我的手进入了展览馆。

He took me by the hand to a shabby little barracks beside the tarmac, its windows blown out.───他拉着我的手走向跑道旁一个窗子被炸掉的简陋小棚屋里。


Our host shook each of us warmly by the hand.

I took her by the hand.

I took him by the hand.

He took Dickon by the hand to lead him into the house.

One contemporary manuscript shows Henry II crowned by the hand of Christ.

The mother took her child by the hand.

She took the child by the hand and led him upstairs to bed.

He took her hand / took her by the hand .

The girl led her little brother by the hand.

  • by singing
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  • bye boy
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  • by the coast
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  • by the hand




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