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词汇 burrowed in
释义 burrowed in
burrowed in发音



burned in───留下不可磨灭的印象


borrowed time───超过预定的时间

borrowed money───借入资本

borrowed times───借来的时间

barged in───v.闯入;干涉

booked in───登记;预定


He burrowed in the library for a book about the Chinese Red Army.───他在图书馆里寻找一本关于中国红军的书。

The Jap destroyed the rice crop, scorched the green valley and burrowed in behind the great wall.───日本人放火烧毁庄稼,绿色的河谷和城池外的一切。

She burrowed in the drawer for a pair of socks.───她在抽屉里翻找一双袜子。

Among the few survivors would have been animals living in water or burrowed in the ground like turtles, small mammals and crocodiles.───只有水生生物和在地下掘穴而居的动物成为极少的幸存者,比如海龟、小型哺乳动物和鳄鱼等。

Listened to her stories while we painstakingly burrowed in the earth, planting the promise of spring.───倾听着她的故事,我们卖力地掘着泥土,种下春天的希望。

Without detection however, the Terrans can do little about the lone roach burrowed in the mineral line.───可是对于那些独自钻入矿物产线而且又未被侦测到的蟑螂,人类部队就没什么招架的办法了。

So they dived and they burrowed in the reeds on the shore.───它们在岸边的芦苇丛中又窜又掘。


She burrowed in the drawer for a pair of socks.

The mole burrowed in the ground.

Helen burrowed in her bag for a handkerchief.

He burrowed in the library for a book about the Chinese Red Army.

She burrowed in her pocket and eventually found a few coins.

Some trilobites lost their eyes, probably those that burrowed in mud or lived in lightless parts of the ocean.

  • burrowed tick
  • burrowed deep
  • burrowed in
  • burrowed hole




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