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词汇 building society
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n.<英> 房屋建筑会,建房互助协会


building societies───建房互助协会(buildingsociety的复数)

building site───建筑工地

big society───大社会

building into───使固定于;使成为组成部分

building sites───建筑工地(buildingsite的复数)

building worker───[建]建筑工人;施工人员

building workers───建筑工人

debating society───辩论协会

building industry───建筑业;建筑工业


He put his savings in a building society.───他把自己的积蓄投资在房屋互助协会.

All bank and building society interest is paid net.───所有银行和建房互助协会的贷款都要支付纯利息。

He drawn out quite a lot of money on Friday, from the building society account.───他周五从房屋建筑协会的帐户提走很多钱.

His plan is to spread the capital between various building society accounts.───他的计划是把资金分散到类型不同的建房互助会的账户中。

They find a house, agree a price, and take out a mortgage through their building society.───他们找到一处房子,谈妥价格,通过住房互助协会办理了抵押贷款。

Northern Rock was a British building society that was investing in subprime paper in the U.S..───北岩银行是英国的一家建房互助协会,它曾在美国投资次级债券。

Building society pay an interest of 10 %.───住宅互助社团付息10%.

She opens an account with the Halifax Building Society.───她在哈利法克斯建筑房屋互助协会开立了帐户.

Interest is a payment to the bank or the building society for lending him the money.───利息是向借给他钱的银行或建筑团体支付的款项.

Zhuzhou Yamaha did not forget to return building society, to carry out welfare undertakings.───株洲建设雅马哈不忘回报社会, 进行公益事业.

I save with ( ie keep my savings in ) the Brighton Building Society.───我把钱存在布赖顿房屋建协会里.

His plan is to spread the capital between various building society accounts.───他打算把资金分散存到不同的购房互助会的账户上。

The bank have act in unison with the building society in lowering interest rate.───银行降低了利率来配合房屋建筑协会的行动.

The only stipulation the building society makes is that house must be insured.───建屋互助会作出的唯一规定是房屋必须保险.

I have an account with the Halifax building society.───我在哈利法克斯建筑房屋互助协会设有帐户.

Building society repossessions have frightened buyers off.───建屋互助协会收回未偿清房贷的住房,这吓退了很多买家。

Building society is warning of mortgage rationing.───住宅互助协会警告说要限额分配抵押借款.

Britain's third largest building society abandoned its mutual status and became a bank.───英国第三大建屋互助会准备放弃其互助性质,转变为银行。

I save with the Brighton Building Society.───我把钱存在布赖顿房屋建筑协会里.

Yorkshire Building Society questioned 1,527 people to find out what they most valued in their partners.───约克郡建房合作社就“你最看重配偶哪个方面”的问题调查研究了1527个人.

House prices fell by 15.9 % the year to December, according to Nationwide Building Society.───据全国房产互助协会的数据,房产价格去年下降了15.9%.

you want a safe investment, you could do a lot worse than put your money in a building society.───你要想投资而不冒风险,倒不如把钱存到房屋互助协会。

The research from the Yorkshire Building Society found many women are making equally conventional choices.───这项来自约克郡建房合作社的研究同时显示,许多女人和男人一样,都做出了传统的选择.

The building society will be forced to foreclose.───建筑工会被迫取消赎回权.

Building society pays interest of 10 %.───房屋互助协会付10%的利息.

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  • building society
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