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词汇 brief moment
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key moment───关键时刻;生死关头

rare moment───难得的时刻

the moment───立刻,马上;一…就

bending moment───[力]弯矩;[力]弯曲力矩;[力]挠矩

bowel movement───排便

crucial moment───关键时刻

brief against───反对

eureka moment───顿悟时刻

free movement───自由运动


Dickon looked across the grass at the tree and Mary looked and there was a brief moment of stillness.───肯隔着草地望着那棵树,玛丽也望着,然后是短暂的寂静。

One brief moment of intentional role modeling.───一小会儿有意的做出个榜样。

Bernays' brief moment of power seemed to be over.───伯奈斯短暂的权力时刻看上去要结束了。

For one brief moment, Oliver cast a hurried glance along the empty street, and a cry for help hung upon his lips.───在短短的一瞬间,奥立弗匆匆扫了一眼空旷的街道,呼救的喊声已经到了嘴边。

Because in one brief moment my brain came up with this question: "If it was a dream how come he and the rest of the room was out of focus? "───因为那一瞬间,我想到了一个问题:如果那是梦,那个人以及房间怎麽会是模糊的呢?

Otherwise, he said, 'that brief moment of glory from ringing the opening bell is just not as attractive as it used to be.───但他也说,在美国上市初次开盘时瞬间的荣耀已不像往日那般吸引人。

Actually, it never really went away, but for a brief moment recently, it seemed at least to be in retreat.───际上,股市从未真正告别动荡,只是在最近一个短暂时期,动荡似乎至少有所退却。

And for that brief moment I became her mother, for she had given me the greatest gift of all: herself.───在那短暂的一刻我成为她的妈妈,因为她把一份最珍贵的礼物送给了我:她自己。

Huh? [His eyes seem to clear for a brief moment. ] I do not know what, uh. . . thash not uh mine.───嗯?【他的眼睛似乎有了片刻的透彻。】我根本不知道,呃……那石么和额没关系。


He experienced a brief moment of panic.

A brief moment of madness, I admit.

In that one brief moment he knew that he was in trouble.

For a brief moment I was his and he was mine.

For a brief moment their lips were in contact.

For this brief moment in time nothing else mattered.

A brief moment of the winter which pursued her sent a scampering chill through the warm place.

For one brief moment, women thought they saw hope.

Like Christmas, a brief moment of good will and fellowship, then back to normal.

  • briefing paper
  • briefing room
  • briefness in a sentence
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  • briefness meaning




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