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Border collies───边境牧羊犬

border collie───博德牧羊犬

bearded collies───胡子牧羊犬

barber colleges───理发师学院

bearded collie───古代长须牧羊犬

border lines───边界线;图廓线

border police───边境警察

barber college───巴伯学院

beer bellies───大肚子,啤酒肚


Border Collies have traditionally been bred solely for working ability.───边境牧羊犬一直以来单纯为了牧羊繁殖下来的。

A few years ago, all the Border Collies in a sheepdog trial would have been black and white or tricolor.───几年前,在牧羊比赛中边境基本是黑白色或三色。

An extremely healthy breed, Border Collies are susceptible only to a few disorders. One is Collie Eye Anomaly (CEA).───牧羊犬是极为健康的一种狗狗,仅容易犯几种紊乱症状。一种是柯利犬眼部异常(CEA)。

Notice that a daily walk of a few hours is not enough for most Border Collies.───注意:每天几小时的步行对大部分的边境牧羊犬是远远不够的。

In fact, border collies and peregrine falcons have been particularly good at keeping birds at bay on airfields.───实际上,博德牧羊犬和游隼在使鸟不靠近飞机场上效果特别好。

And, of course, border collies are famous for their ability to direct sheep and keep a flock together.───当然,同样,博德牧羊犬也因为具有引导和团结羊群的能力而闻名。

Many Border Collies have either a half-white or whole white face, usually blending into the broad white collar.───许多边境也有阴阳脸或全白脸,这通常是白色围脖的扩展。

The diversity in exterior between Border Collies is rather large.───边境牧羊犬在外表上的差异是很大的。


I attended a herding clinic on beautiful Vancouver Island and the dogs entered were all border collies, except for my travel partner's and my own.

Almost all Border Collies have some white markings (I know of exceptions to this, too), arising as in all dog breeds from three or more different genetic combinations.

I remember keeping my dog on lead all weekend and watching many of the 'strong eyed' dogs, (all border collies) work off lead and progress to the open field within the three days.

Almost all breeds are here ... although Border collies tend to dominate the proceedings.

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