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词汇 boiling point
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n.沸点; 极度愤怒; (某种状态的)爆发点


boiling points───[物]沸点


biting point───咬合点

aiming point───n.[军]瞄准点;觇点

basing point───基点;交货基点

biting points───咬点

boiling down───煮浓

nocking point───落点

selling point───(吸引顾客的)产品特色;销售特色;服务特色


The boiling point of water is 100 degrees centigrade.───水的沸点是摄氏100度.

He has a low Boiling point and was Beginning to simmer.───他极易发火,此时又忍不住要发作了.

Which has a higher boiling point, a quart of water or a gallon of water?───1夸脱水和1加仑水,哪个有更高的沸点?

Mix organics into Polytetrafluoethylene Resin at low boiling point shaped by moulding and sintering.───利用低沸点有机物混入聚四氟乙烯树脂经模压干燥烧结成型.

Lignin of rice husk high boiling point solvent ( HBS ) digesting process with aqueous solvent of ethanediol.───以乙二醇水溶液为溶剂,稻壳为原料制备木质素.

The boiling point of water is 373 K.───水的沸点是373开氏度。

The temperature is above the boiling point.───温度达到了沸点以上.

Water has a boiling point of 100℃.───水的沸点是摄氏一百度.

A boiling point diagram is a most convenient aid.───沸点图是一种最方便的手段.

The boiling point of water and pressure into a linear relationship between changes.───水的沸点与压力成直线变化关系.

Are humans like frogs in a simmering pot, unaware that temperatures have reached the boiling point?───人类是否像在慢慢煮沸的水壶中的青蛙那样, 并没有意识到温度已经达到了沸点?

Suffice it to say that the unusually high boiling point of acetic acid.───只要谈一下醋酸的不寻常的高沸点就行.

The situation is rapidly reaching boiling point, and the army has been put on stand-by.───事态迅速濒临爆发点,军队已在待命。

After being teased for a long time, John reached the boiling point.───约翰被人捉弄了很长时间, 终于生气了.

To liquid nitrogen, flesh is like that skillet surface hundreds of degrees above its boiling point.───在我的试验中,对于液态氮来说, 比其沸点高几百度的皮肤就是那个平底锅.

After an hour of waiting I was at the boiling point.───等了一个小时后,我终于忍耐不住了.

Mal's temper was at boiling point.───马尔正在气头上,一点就着。

A , regular adds high boiling point solvent.───功度参增矮冰点溶剂.

Whisk asimmering water , until the cream thickens, just below boiling point, when small bubbles appear.───打打打, 一直到蛋液变得浓稠, 看到小泡泡出现, 就是快接近沸点,好,停止.

Heat the cream to boiling point and pour three quarters of it over the chocolate.───把奶油煮沸,然后把其中的3/4浇到巧克力上。

He was asked for the boiling point of water in Fahrenheit.───有人问他华氏温标下水的沸点。

It provides the cooling water used for evaporation of low boiling point materials.───提供低沸点物料蒸发时冷凝用水.

The boiling point of water is 100 degrees.───水的沸点为100度.

Petrol has a low boiling point; if a little is poured into the hand, it vaporizes.───汽油沸点低, 要是倒入少许在握上, 它立即就蒸发掉.

This ridiculous scene in the boiling point on the network television channel New Books!───这荒唐的一幕就出现在沸点网络电视新书推荐频道上!

Steam is formed if the boiling point pressure for the temperature of the reservoir is reached.───如果达到对应于热储温度的沸点压力,就会形成蒸气.

Assume that the feed is a liquid at its boiling point.───在此,假定进料为饱和液体.

He was asked for the boiling point of water in Fahrenheit.───他被问到水的沸点是华氏多少度。

Racial tension has reached boiling point .───种族间的紧张状态已达到一触即发的程度。


The boiling point of water is 373 K.





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