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词汇 make certain
释义 make certain
make certain发音



make certain of───把…了解清楚;弄明白


fire curtain───防火幕

for certain───肯定地;确凿地

the curtain───幕布

make conversation───交谈;闲聊;找话谈

almost certain───[数]几乎必然的

make a bargain───成交;达成协议

house curtain───门帘


She flicked her eyes up to make certain I was suitably impressed.───她抬眼瞟了瞟,以确定我不出所料地被打动了。

I will go to the theatre and make certain of seats.───我要到戏院去把我们的座位订好(以便有把握到开演时有座位).

Firstly, they must make certain that their pension needs are adequately catered for.───首先,他们得确保他们能获得足够的养老金。

If you say that, it will become my duty to make certain.───如果你这么说, 我就有责任把事情搞个水落石出.

If there is any doubt, you had better make certain.───如果你有什么不能肯定的, 一定要弄清楚.

He got up at six so as to make certain of being in time.───他六时起床以确保准时.

I am prepared to make certain concessions.───我准备做某些让步.

Please make certain of the date of the meeting.───请把开会的日期弄清楚.

I think there's a bus at 8 but you'd better call to make certain.───好像8点有一班公共汽车,不过你最好打电话弄清楚。

Please make certain when the train leaves.───请确定火车什么时候开.

You'd better leave now if you want to make certain of getting there on time.───你要想准时到达那里就最好马上走.

Parents should make certain that the children spend enough time doing homework.───父母应该确保孩子花足够多的时间做作业。

Their sole responsibility was to make certain that everything ran smoothly for Nixon.───他们唯一的责任是:保证尼克松一切顺利.

Make certain everything, especially the address of the remittee is clearly written.───请一定要把所有项目特别是收款人地址写清楚.

An examination to make certain that something is correct.───确定事物正确性的一种检查.

We must make certain that they can come.───我们一定要搞确实他们是否能来.

Please make certain that the river is not deep before you swim there.───请你搞清楚河水确实不深再去游泳.

You'll have to leave soon to make certain of getting there on time.───你得快点出发,好确保准时到达那里。


Make certain what time the train goes.

  • make sure that
  • make the
  • make a funny
  • make die
  • make up
  • make me tick
  • make a deal with the devil
  • make my words
  • make the idea
  • make itTO
  • make a video
  • make dumpling
  • make a fist
  • make choice
  • make the effort
  • make up forever
  • make my move
  • makeshift greenhouse
  • make a request for
  • make any noise
  • make a survey




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