Four great inventions in China
四大───big four
About one - tenth ( and growing ) of the big four banks'corporate loans go to property.───四大银行对企业发放的贷款中,约 十分之一 流向房地产行业,这个比例还在继续扩大.
Today, the big four state banks in China are, essentially, insolvent.───今天, 中国四大国有银行已经基本不具备清偿能力.
No wonder Australia's Big Four banks are among the's best performers, with AA credit ratings.───难怪澳大利亚的四大银行都在全球最佳表现银行之列, 信用等级也都是AA级.
big four are likely to land most of the business.───四大”可能拿到大部分的业务。
Big Four are by no means perfect.───大绝对不是完美的公司。
Big four ended immediately, the mood is quite contradictory.───大四马上结束, 心情比较矛盾.
If one of the big four collapses, so be it.───如果四大之一倒掉,就让它倒掉。
So, discretional accruals is used to measure audit quality of Big Four auditors in China.───因此, 本文使用可操纵性应计项目来衡量国际四大在中国的审计质量.
Even the Big Four chains - Rite Aid , CVS, Eckerd and Walgreens - are affected.───甚至四大连锁药房——日特爱德公司, CVS, 爱克德以及沃尔格林斯 —— 也受到了影响.
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- ambiguity synonym
- a big time
- bigwigs clue
- fallacy of ambiguity
- to big box
- A big hunter
- think big
- big band
- have a big
- he has bigeyes