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词汇 blue and white
释义 blue and white
blue and white发音



black and white───白纸黑字;单色;黑白片

black and whiter───黑白相间

black and whites───白纸黑字;单色;黑白片

bleed white───v.流尽鲜血;榨干

lead white───铅白色;铅白

black and whitest───黑白相间

bells and whistles───附加的修饰物


The cabinets display seventeenth-century blue-and-white porcelain.───展柜中陈列着17世纪的青花瓷。

Blue and white is the classic colour combination for bathrooms. It always looks smart and will never date.───蓝色和白色是浴室的经典色彩搭配,看起来总是很时髦,永远不会过时。

a blue and white gingham dress───蓝白格子布连衣裙

The sky is so beautiful light blue and white cloud well arranged.───天是如此美丽,蓝蓝天空,雪白云朵相得益彰.

The sea was blue, and white puffy clouds sailed by.───大海一片蔚蓝,朵朵白云飘过。

a blue and white striped jacket───蓝白条上衣

He had on a blue and white checked shirt and jeans.───他穿了件蓝底白格的衬衣和牛仔裤.

Blue and white make light blue.───蓝色和白色合在一起就成了浅蓝色.

Judy collects blue and white china.───朱迪收集青花瓷器。

The walls in the front bedroom are painted with broad, pale blue and white stripes.───前卧室的墙壁被漆成淡蓝色和白色相间的宽条纹。

The trainers are blue and white.───这运动鞋是蓝色和白色的。

There are basically two types called, in layman's terms, blue and white asbestos.───基本上有两种,用外行话说就是青石棉和白石棉。

The sky this morning is a mosaic of blue and white.───今天早上的天空是幅蓝白相间的画面.

The revamp includes replacing the old navy uniform with a crisp blue and white cotton outfit.───这项改进包括用清新的蓝白棉套装取代旧的海军制服。

His shirt was soft silk, set off with a blue - and - white polka - dotted bow tie.───他穿的是质地柔软的丝质衬衫, 配着一只蓝底白色圆点的蝶形领结.

Delft is a blue - and - white ware.───代尔夫特精陶是一种蓝白色的陶器.

Judy collects blue and white china.───朱迪收集青花瓷。


England are playing in the blue and white strip.

Judy collects blue and white china.

Over it he wore blue and white striped overalls.

I scoured the shops for a blue and white shirt, but I couldn't find one anywhere.

We sat under the blue and white striped awning of the cafe.

Queen Mary started the fashion for blue and white china in England.

He had on a blue and white checked shirt and jeans.

The curtains were blue and white gingham.

My toothbrush has blue and white plastic bristles.

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  • blue and white
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  • bluestone capital
  • blueness of the blue
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  • blue of korea
  • blue sky
  • blue voice
  • blueprint maker
  • blue jays
  • bluefin uuv
  • blue eye contacts
  • blue picture
  • blue funk




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