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词汇 一门心思用英语怎么说
释义 一门心思用英语怎么说

a one-track mind




All sorts of thoughts were running through my head.───各种各样的想法在我的脑海里闪过。

I jumped to my feet so my thoughts wouldn't start to wander.───我跳起来,免得走神.

He lapped up the attention and the opportunity to voice his thoughts.───能有这般待遇和机会表达自己的看法,他欣然领受。

Mr Goodman, do you have any thoughts on that?───古德曼先生,那个问题你怎么看?

He projects his own thoughts and ideas onto her.───他以为她有着和自己相同的想法和观点。

Why couldn't he ever rid himself of those thoughts, those worries?───为什么他总是无法摆脱那些想法和担忧?

By pushing aside unpleasant thoughts they merely repress these thoughts.───他们对不愉快的想法不予理会,其结果仅仅是压制了这些想法。

The clock striking the hour pierced through his thoughts.───时钟的报时把他从沉思中惊醒。

Her thoughts turned inwards.───她的思想转向了内省。

O'Leary broke in on his thoughts.───奥利里打断了他的思路。


They are never alone accompanied by noble thoughts

Second thoughts are best.

Your conversation is the mirror of your thoughts

Govern your thoughts when alone, and your tongue when in company. 

Ludicrously irrelevant thoughts swarmed in her head.

Have you any thoughts about our next holiday?

In books, are embalmed the greatest thoughts of all ages. 

Thoughts of you Be like kite segment the line.

My thoughts are deep into you.

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