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black powder───[军][化工]黑火药

black powers───黑人权力;黑色火药

black powders───[军][化工]黑火药

black pewter───锡铅合金;黑锡色

Black Power───黑人权力;黑色火药

black copper───粗铜

black pepper───黑胡椒


black power key now sits immediately to the right of a smaller eject key on the MBA's keyboard — the round aluminum power button is gone.───现在在MBA的键盘上弹出键变小了,紧靠它的右边是黑色的电源键——圆形的铝制电源按钮不复存在。

King's ideas, however, made no sense to supporters in Memphis for militant Black Power movement, a group that thought nonviolent methods were too slow in getting results.───但是,金的主张在孟菲斯黑人暴力的支持者中不起丝毫作用。他们认为要想通过非暴力途径获得成效太慢了。

like the black power salutes 5 from the podium that scandalised the 1968 Olympics — might have played into the hands of political opponents.───像1968年奥运会的领奖台上某些运动员作出黑人力量敬礼、给那届奥运会留下污名一样,肯定那些激进的运动可能正中政治对手的下怀。

I'm up to speed on yours. . . which means these black power rings are going for the dead. . .───我了解你的生活…就是说那些黑力量指环是为死亡而来…

A black power key now sits immediately to the right of a smaller eject key on the MBA's keyboard -- the round aluminum power button is gone.───现在在MBA的键盘上弹出键变小了,紧靠它的右边是黑色的电源键——圆形的铝制电源按钮不复存在。

Militant Black Power groups declared birth control the equivalent of "Black Genocide" and implored Black women to throw away their pills.───激进的黑人组织宣称,避孕就等于种族灭绝,并要求黑人女性丢弃避孕药。

Robinson remained devoted to integration during the 1960s, when "black power" and black nationalist figures sounded rallying cries.───20世纪60年代,当“黑人权利”和黑人民族主义者发出了团结的呼声时,罗宾森继续坚持为民族团结而奋斗。

As with Black Power the burgeoning Red Power movement has two components: one cultural, the other political.───象黑人权力一样,正在兴起的红色权力运动包括两个部分:一个是文化的,另一个是政治的。

The invention of rockets is linked inextricably with the invention of 'black power'.───火箭的发明离不开发明“黑火药”。


Did anybody in my milieu have any understanding of racial justice, of the need for black power?

Talking about black power with their hands and their pockets empty.

All these fellers screaming black power yet when was the last time one of them purchased airfare to the dark continent.

Tee shirts had the black power fist, Angela Davis and Che Guevara printed on them.

I don't care about rock festivals or black power or student revolutions or going to the Moon.

In a racially divided Boston after the advent of civil rights, the sisters are sent to a Black Power school.

His fellow Black power advocate John Carlos is also frequently cited as a major influence.

A black power key now sits immediately to the right of a smaller eject key on the MBA's keyboard -- the round aluminum power button is gone.

But in Carmichael's speeches and in his landmark 1967 book, Black Power: The Politics of Liberation in America, he persuasively argued that the term implied black inferiority.

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