grassed over───草草覆盖
raked over───v.痛骂
stopped over───中途停留;暂留;立刻
tipped over───使翻倒
walked over───轻易地胜过;虐待;利用;走过去
warmed over───重新加温;重提
washed over───v.溅泼
The bridge's design was rather crude, having saddles that were held in place only by string tension with a wire wrapped over them in case a string broke.───桥梁的设计比较简陋,只能由字符串与对他们包裹电线的紧张,在举行一个字符串爆发的情况下鞍。
The body, be it of the indulgent fool oblivious of aging, illness, and death, or of the woman they crave, is nothing but sinews and vessels wrapped over a skeleton frame.───那些不知老病死等痛苦,毁坏自己肉身之愚者,所迷恋之女人身躯,无非筋络下面一堆骨架而已。
Murdoch gestured to Satan's wardrobe-a dusty overcoat wrapped over a T-shirt and ratty jeans. Satan swept the flies away from his nose again and spoke.───默多克指了指撒旦的衣服,T恤衫和破牛仔裤外面裹着一件脏外套。
Facade and roof of the workshop form a continuous surface, which is wrapped over the historic courtyard to create an open hall.───外立面和车间屋顶形成一个连续的表面,包裹着原有的庭院,并营造出一个开放的大厅。
- wrapped by
- wrapped over
- wrapped uo
- wrapped up in