

词汇 with no
释义 with no
with no发音



with it───随之;时髦的;知情的




withe rod───柳枝荚莲




With no natural predators on the island, the herd increased rapidly.───由于岛上没有天然食肉动物,牧群的数量迅速增加。

I can't abide people with no sense of humour.───我讨厌和没有幽默感的人打交道。

no idea of what to do for my next move, my hand hovered over the board.───不知道我下一步棋该怎么走,我的手在棋盘上方举棋不定。

Six months after turning myself into the police, the court let me go free with no charges, no record or jail sentence.───在我自首6个月后,法庭释放了我,没有任何控告,记录或是判决。

So the blind man went down on his knees, down like this, and told the man with no legs to go over his back, and stood up.───于是盲人蹲了下来,就像这样,他告诉无腿的人骑到自己背上,然后站了起来。

An injury that might be inconsequential back home could prove fatal in the isolated Arctic with no one around to help.───一些在家中看似无足轻重的伤在这里都可能是致命的,因为没有任何人可以帮到你。

"Oh, with no one, " said Carrie. "It was just a show gotten-"───“哦,一个也没有,”嘉莉说。“那只是一次客串,在--”

Then again, as gas prices hovering around $4. 00 and with no ceiling in sight, we may have little choice in the matter.───油价涨到了4美元并且还在无限制的增长,我们可能只有很小的选择空间了。

Missing a few hours of sleep on occasion isn't the end of the world, because it's easy to make up the sleep with no lasting side effects.───偶尔缺几个小时觉没什么大不了的,因为很容易事后及时补觉而不会有长期的副作用。


I can't abide people with no sense of humour.

He survived the accident with no broken bones.

He drudges daily with no hope of bettering himself.

He left school with no formal qualifications.

We ended up stranded in Paris with no money.

Total concentration is required with no distractions.

I can't stand people with no sense of humour.

I want a plain black jumper with no fancy trimmings.

I could advise with no one.

  • with a pencil
  • with my family
  • within you
  • with bats
  • with a view to doing
  • with English
  • with a drink
  • with over
  • with no one who
  • with a shake
  • with cash
  • with school
  • with anxiety
  • witherite toxic
  • with your leave
  • with a rush
  • withings app
  • with no
  • with he
  • without need
  • with a home




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