what with───因为
what though───尽管…有什么关系;即使…又何妨
what if───假使…将会怎么样
hit a high───达到高潮
legal high───胜者即是正义(日剧名,LegalHigh)
what gives───什么给予
What high-level exchanges have you had recently?───最近有哪些高层交往?
achievements are a reminder of what high school students can achieve.───执行干事文迪·霍金斯说,这些学生的成就让人们想到高中学生的能力。
No matter in what high esteem you are held. always have the courage to say to yourself:'I am always ignorant. " —Ivan Pavlov, Russian physiologist".───不管你有多高的威望,永远要有勇气对自己说:“我总是无知的。” —伊凡·巴甫洛夫,俄国生理学家。
Also, "Extra's Weekend Edition" revisits the past to see what High School Musical stars were like before they were celebrities.───此外,“额外的周末版”,回顾过去,看看有什么高中音乐剧明星像以前那样,他们都是名人。
What high school courses are necessary to prepare for a career in meteorology?───什么高中课程,有必要作好准备,以便在生涯气象?
What high fat proteinemia refers to is the blood serum lipoprotein density elevates.───高脂蛋白血症指的是血清脂蛋白浓度升高。
The most interesting question here may be what high res fundraising will do to the world of investors.───最有趣的是,投资者在这种僵局情况下所要承担的代价。
the World Cup illustrated what high standards our players must achieve.───世界杯证明了我们的队员必须达到怎样高的水平。
What high technic the fake maker has nowadays. It's easy to be cheated for common people.───现在的造假技术这么好,一般的人一定很容易上当。
That's what high school was about: algebra, bad lunch and infidelity.
What high fat proteinemia refers to is the blood serum lipoprotein density elevates.
The World Cup illustrated what high standards our aspiring outside-halves must achieve.
- what i what
- what can he do
- what a treat
- what wanna be
- what would it be
- what do i do
- what a ball
- what a good day
- what say you
- what is mean
- what s mean
- what do you like
- what a study
- what do do
- what high
- what a table
- what isup
- what s in it
- what clan
- what here
- what matters