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词汇 went wild
释义 went wild
went wild发音



went with───陪伴;带有;配合

run wild───失去控制;变得荒芜

went in───进入;参加;被云掩盖

west wing───白宫群英(影集名);白宫西厢

wet wipe───湿纸巾


went ahead───前进;继续做


As George himself came on stage they went wild.───当乔治本人登上舞台的时候,他们都发狂了。

The crowd went wild.───群情激昂。

The children went wild with excitement.───孩子们欣喜若狂。

As I said, banks went wild, in a scene strongly reminiscent of the savings-and-loan excesses of the 1980s.───就像我说的那样,银行失去了控制,与上世纪80年代过度的储蓄及贷款非常相似。

Buck was happy to lie on the ground all day and watch Thornton And when Thornton spoke to him or touched him, Buck went wild with happiness.───巴克也很高兴整天躺在地上看着桑顿。每当桑顿同他说话或抚摸他时,巴克就会高兴地发狂。

People went wild, out of control. They were jumping, clapping, shouting, dancing and singing along, surprising themselves.───人潮如失控般疯狂,他们或蹦跳,鼓掌,或喊叫,舞蹈,他们随音乐大声歌唱。

Traditionally conservative designers presented some very 'wild' collections, while younger designers went wild with bold, colorful designs.───历来保守的设计师们发布了一些非常“狂野”的系列,而年轻的设计师们则用醒目、艳丽的设计来呈现狂野之风。

The remarkable Chicago bull presented a striking contrast to its opponent, and the crowd just went wild!───本句的意思:那只非凡的西班牙公牛与它的对手形成鲜明的对比,人群已开始疯狂起来。

I just went wild. Typically, in a day I would eat half a chicken, two litres of milk, half a pound of cheese and three eggs.───一般我一天会吃半只鸡,两升奶,半磅奶酪还有三个鸡蛋。


When the princess appeared, the crowd went wild.

The crowd went wild.

The children went wild with excitement.

When the movie came out the critics went wild, hailing Tarantino as the golden boy of the 1990s.

He went wild, pushing over tables and chairs.

The stock market went wild today.

The crowd went wild as soon as the singer stepped onto the stage.

As George himself came on stage they went wild.

The crowd went wild with delight.

  • wentc mp ng
  • went up to sb
  • went skiing
  • went off
  • went over
  • went out of his way
  • went out for a walk
  • went to be
  • went wild
  • went out of
  • went back
  • went for
  • went slowly back to
  • went tothe
  • went past
  • went underwater
  • went to
  • went viral
  • went up to
  • went straight
  • went comping




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