loose change───零钱
regime change───政权更迭
welcome home───欢迎回家,欢迎归来
costume change───换装
loose changes───零钱
record changer───n.换片机
regime changes───政权更迭
scene change───场景变换
welcome back───欢迎归来
We welcome change. I think it's a good thing to do.───我们欢迎变化的发生。
fine weather made a welcome change.───天气转晴,令人心旷神怡。
HAL's voice is soothing and friendly, a welcome change in a fast-paced world.───HAL的语音温柔而友好,快节奏的世界正需要这样的变化。
Such teams welcome change in requirements, technology, and any other aspect of a project at any point in the project's life cycle.───这样的团队鼓励在需求、技术以及项目生命周期内项目其他方面的改变。
He is, however, right, and his intervention is symbolic of the welcome change in attitude at the FSA since he took charge at the supervisor.───但他说的是对的,他的这种干预标志着,自他接掌FSA以来,该机构的态度将发生可喜的变化。
It was the first rain that I had experienced in Hangzhou and it was an extremely welcome change to the warm weather that I arrived to.───在杭州我还是第一次遇上下雨,这温暖的气候变化热烈的欢迎我的到来。
Welcome change in life. You do not have to resist change. Changes could be old hat for you by now, for life on Earth is filled with change.───迎接生活的变化,不必拒绝它。对变化,你可能已经习以为常。行星上的生活充满了变化。
Conversely, such a renewed interest in Freudian theory and practice is a welcome change for Western mental health practitioners.───与之对应的是,弗洛伊德理论与实践的复兴对于某些西方心理健康研究者们是个福音。
If they are the one usually doing the cooking this will be a welcome change and a sign of your appreciation.───如果平时都是你的爱侣负责做饭,那么这次可以尝试一下改变,也是你表达自己的感激的机会。
Finishing early was a welcome change.
The holiday was a welcome change/break/relief.
The fine weather made a welcome change.
Six months in Scotland would make a welcome change from London.
This was certainly a welcome change of fortune.
You must welcome change as the rule but not as your ruler. Denis Waitley
Thank you Neil, you made a welcome change.
This may be a welcome change or not, depending on your point of view.
The morning was cool; a welcome change from the heat of the day before.
- welcome to facebook
- welcome guest
- welcome here
- welcome guests
- welcome have fun
- welcomed defined
- welcome toenjoy myself
- welcome baby
- welcomed and valued
- welcome children
- welcome bonus
- welcome to our school
- welcome go home
- welcome tour
- welcome aboard
- welcome to you
- welcome to new york
- welcome be back
- welcome to home