reward effort───奖励努力
waste effort───浪费精力
aid effort───援助努力
wasted effort───徒劳无功
extra effort───加倍努力;额外努力
peace effort───和平努力
hamper efforts───妨碍努力
best effort───尽力而为,尽最大努力;尽力服务
fine effort───精益求精
The immediate danger if he handles the affair badly is that the war effort will suffer and he will be blamed for it.───此事他若处理不当,最直接的危害就是战局将不顺,而他也会因此承担骂名。
Cochran believed female pilots could help in the war effort.───科克伦认为,女飞行员同样可以在战争中出力.
deciding to redouble the war effort, Mr Bush now finds himself almost alone.───布什决定要加倍努力,却发现如今自己几乎成了孤家寡人。
No one was profiting inordinately from the war effort.───没有人在从战争中发大财。
Symbolic patriotism in wartime is intended to raise morale in turn contributing to the war effort.───某些战争时期的爱国主义形式是为了提高士气,并使士兵因此奋战.
In 1914 he (like so many others) lied about his age so that he could join the war effort.───1914年他(跟其他很多人一样)虚报了年龄以便能够参战。
Subordinating everything to the war effort means just this.───必须这样干才叫做服从战争.
Your very effective recital of British war effort will greatly impress world public opinion.───你对于英国在大战中的努力作了很精辟的报告,这将使世界舆论得到深刻的印象.
The magnitude of the war effort involved in these desert struggles must not be underrated.───包含在这类沙漠战斗中的战争努力之巨大,决不可以低估.
The war effort necessitated rational redeployment of workforce resources.
Many Americans felt it was their patriotic duty to buy bonds to support the war effort.
Everyone did what they could to support the war effort.
Subordinating everything to the war effort means just this.
Only owners of vehicles vital to the war effort are able to obtain new tyres.
He could not participate in the war effort.
In 1914 he lied about his age so that he could join the war effort.
Your very effective recital of British war effort will greatly impress world public opinion.
Every available resource went towards the war effort.
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